一. 产品标准 standard
行业技术规范 Industry standard
二. 适用范围: Application
适用于电机、电器绕组连接并引出机壳或绕组与电机壳体上的固定连接。It is suitable for connecting coil leads or fixing between coils and cases of motors.
三. 使用特性:Main performance
1. 电缆(电线)的交流额定电压为500V,1000V,3000V,6000V。Rated voltage AC 500V,1000V,3000V,6000V.
2. 电缆(电线)的连续运行导体最高温度为125℃。Permissible operation temperature of the cable shall not be exceed 125℃.
3. 电缆(电线)敷设时的允许弯曲半径应不小于电缆(电线)外径的4倍。The allowable radius of bending for installation shall not be less than 4 D ( overall diameter of a cable )
四. 型号名称 Type and description型号名 称JYJ铜芯交联聚烯烃绝缘电机绕组引接电缆(电线)Copper conductor XLPO insulated flexible cables and wires for coil leads of electric motors
五. 结构 Construction
1. 镀锡铜导体 Copper conductor (Tinned or non)
2. 隔离层(或无)Tape(or non)
3. 交联聚烯烃绝缘层XLPO insulation
六. 规格和结构尺寸: