产品特点 |
1)超远程送风 3)全新优化的渠道,使空气进气口和顺利出水 6)电加热,冬天高性能加热 10)不等距斜叶片叶轮杂交,可以减少室内机运行噪音 13)辅助加热功能,低温加热功率显着。
1.Corrosion-resistant,UV-resistant,anti-deformation 2.Wide voltage display:187V-240V 3.All products are high quality with famous brand compressor, Hitachi, Toshiba and Panasonic 4.Cooling or cooling and heating are available 5.7000BTU.9000BTU.12000BTU.18000BTU.24000BTU.36000BTU 6.More than 10 meters remote control distance 7.Flat panel for easy cleaning,washable plastic filter and horizontal auto louver 8.Optional colour: red,black, grey white and pea green 9.Refrigerant: R22,R407C or R410a for option 10.50/60HZ and T1 ambient/T3 ambient for option 11.Option for auto restart function |
出口国家 |
欧洲:荷兰,英国,意大利,西班牙,葡萄牙,法国,波兰,南斯拉夫等等。 中东:伊拉克,伊朗,迪拜,约旦,叙利亚,埃及,黎巴嫩,巴林,卡塔尔,沙特阿拉伯,阿曼,科威特等等。 非洲:阿尔及利亚,尼日利亚,利比亚,安哥拉,突尼斯,刚果,喀麦隆,毛里求斯,摩洛哥,津巴布韦,坦桑尼亚,洪都拉斯,牙买加,也门,南非,阿塞拜疆等等。 东欧:俄罗斯,乌克兰,保加利亚。 南美:委内瑞拉,巴拉圭,哥斯达黎加,多米尼加,玻利维亚,乌拉圭,海地,巴拿马,阿根廷,等等。 东南亚:印度,巴基斯坦,斯里兰卡,泰国,韩国,印度尼西亚等等。 |
空调包装细节 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
适用场地 |
适合家庭/酒店/客房等一切合理制冷面积之内场地使用 |
联系方式 |
联系地址:广东省广州市白云区石井鸦岗小学斜对面锦文工业大楼 联系电话:020-62187566 13416295818 传真号码:020-62187588 腾讯QQ:2241024596 邮箱:souxinappliances66@yahoo.cn 阿里旺旺:souxinappliances |
公司简介 |
广州市首信电器有限公司是一家专业的研发,设计,生产,销售为一体的公司。实力雄厚,主要研发电子产品:DVD,移动DVD,液晶电视,普通电视,空调,手机以及系列电子产品,该集团总部在香港:首信电器(香港)实业集团有限公司,下属公司遍布广州珠三角,北京,上海及各大城市。其中移动DVD,数码产品生产基地坐落在深圳市宝安区东财工业园。 该集团自成立以来,以人为本,以高端的技术为发展核心,追求卓越,环保世界是实现目标。 当然今天的辉煌成就,是离不开公司的精英与骨干们的共同努力,是他们用多年来的心血和汗水换来的硕果;这一切都来之不易,不过我们欣慰的是,能与世界各地的朋友共同分享硕果,此时我们感到更开心! 在今后的日子里,本公司用最优质的产品来奉献每一位客户,用最高端的技术来回报社会,这才是发展意义的心声!期望与世界各地的朋友携手共创美好的明天! Guangzhou Shouxin Appliances Co.,Ltd.is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design,development,production and sales of LCD TV,CRT TV,TV SKD,air-conditioner,cellphone and a series of electronic products.The headquarter of our company is located in HongKong:SHOUXIN APPLIANCES GROUP(HK) LIMITED,its subordinate company throughout Guangdong Pearl River Delta,Beijing,Shanghai and all other big cities.Among of them,manufacturing base of portable DVD and Digital production is located in Dongcai industrial District Baoan Sector,Shenzhen. Since the establishment of our company,it adheres to the development core of “people-oriented and high-end technology”.Our goal is striving for excellence,and making the world pollution-free. Certainly,today’s brilliant achievements are joint efforts that can not get away from the elite and backbone in the company,they are using years of effort and sweat to get this great achievements,all is hara-won.However,to our delight,we can share our great achievements with friends from all over the world. In the following days,our company will dedicate the most high-quanlity products to every customer and high-end technology to respond the society,this is our heartfelt wishes of development.We are looking forward to creating better future together with customers from all over the world. |
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