发动机养护剂佛莱邦发动机养护剂本品内含“智能极压抗磨纳米修复因子”, 可在高温、高压下迅速形成
胶质和油泥的生成,保护发动机机件不被腐蚀; 有效地防止发动机因冷启动时产生“干摩擦”,
产品特性佛莱邦® 净霸天下TM发动机养护剂本品内含“智能极压抗磨纳米修复因子”,
,同时能够抑制积碳、胶质和油泥的生成,保护发动机机件不被腐蚀; 有效地防止发动机因冷启动时产
生“干摩擦”, 真正实现引擎“零磨损;降低维修成本,显著提高发动机动力;延长发动机使用寿命。
1. Cold start is easy to reduce the abrasion by 80% above, thus greatly decreasing abrasion in metal surface
in machine movement so as to prolong the service life of the engine;
2. Cutting tail gas emission and pollution; 3. Improving the driving power, decreasing noise and saving fuel; it is widely applied and may
be used together with various lubricating oil, lubricating grease and gear oil;
使用方法1、更换机油及滤清器后将本品加入发动机内即可;2、按厂家规定添加比例为机油容量的4%-6%左右;3、更换2-3次机油或行驶1.5万公里左右使用本品一次; 4、配合发动机内部免拆清洗剂,将发动机内部的胶质,油泥,沉淀物等清洗干净后再使用本品效果更佳;
Using method 1、After changing the engine oil and filter, the product can be filled into engine; 2、According to manufacturer’s stipulation the added ratio is about 4% to 6% of the engine oil capacity;3、Use this product one time after changing engine oil 2-3 times or for every 15,000km of driving;4、It would be better to use this product after cleaning the engine with engine detergent;
汽车要健康,就找佛莱邦。深圳市佛莱邦科技是专业的汽车深度养护用品厂家。我们将为您提供性价比最高的产品和最优质的售后服务。官方网站:服务热线:0755-89392981 18902458074联系人:叶先生