肯比焊机便携式手工焊机MMA TIG多功能焊机Minarc Evo 150
Minarc MMA焊机的出色性能倍受赞誉,便携性。就其大小、重量和焊接质量而言,综合性能无可匹敌。
Minarc MMA焊机可以使用任何电网或发电机供电,适用于各种恶劣的作业环境。当负载持续率为35%时,其焊接功率输出为140A/220A。
Minarc 焊机的主要特点
Why buy
• Premium welding performance
• Use with all electrode types
• PFC technology for ultimate energy efficiency
• Designed for use with long supply cables
• High current output and duty cycle
• Lightweight and portable
• Precise lift TIG technology
• Mains network or generator use
• Optional remote control
• Kemppi 2+ warranty for parts and labour
Outstanding welding
Every element of Minarc Evo 150 is designed to meet the needs of professional welders on the move. Where size, weight and welding quality are concerned, there is no equal.
Ideal for site use, you can use Minarc Evo 150 from mains or generator power supplies, even with extra long supply cables. Minarc Evo is easy to carry, so you can normally take everything you need in one journey.
Large voltage reserves and automatic arc force control provide excellent arc stability in all welding positions and for a wide range of electrode types, making sure you get quality welding results every time.
The large and clear meter display makes accurate current setting simple and easy,
and precise lift TIG ignition ensures high quality DC TIG welding. Connect Minarc Evo’s remote control option and you can adjust welding parameters at distance during welding, for the ultimate convenience and weld pool control.