SPU once forming shoes are anti-static workshoesbyinjection moldingat a time adoptingSPUtechnology,whose greatestfeatures areextremely easy toclean, have a long service lifemuchmore thanothershoes,havelower costand eliminatethe uncertain factorsof artificialsewinguppers. The wholematerialsofonce formingshoes are antistatic, whose index areextremely stable.Different types aredevelopedaccording todifferent needsto meet customers’needs.SPU onceformingshoesachieve the perfectbalance inquality,lightweightand price etc.andalsoarehighly recognized bycustomersin overseas markets.Since their development,theirsales haveexceeded500,000 pairs.
l 保护脚趾设计/Toe Protecting Design
l 高柔软材料/High Flexibility Material
l 防滑鞋底纹/sole with resistance to slip