l LED数字显示,读数直观准确;
l 测试精度高,反应快,稳定性好;
l 附配测试架及表笔;
l 外观时尚新颖,外形小巧,便于携带。
长×宽×高 24×22×8Cm
功 能 | 测试范围 | 精度 |
测定时间 概述 JQF-200智能内阻测试仪是用于测量电池内部阻抗和电池酸化薄膜破损程度的仪器,JQF-200Intelligent resistance tester is used to measure the battery internal impedance and battery acid membrane damage degree of instrument, 以下简称仪器。它是对被测对象施加1KHz交流信号,通过测量其交流压降而获得其内阻。 Hereinafter referred to as the instrument. It is the object to be measured 1 KHZ ac signal, ac by measuring the pressure drop and the internal resistance. (它不同于多用表测量电阻的原理,它所测量的值是毫欧级,而多用表测量的值是欧姆级;It is different from the principle of measuring the resistance, multi-purpose table it measured value is milliohm level, and the value of multimeter measurement is the ohm level; 且多用表只能测无电源对象的阻值,而内阻仪不仅可测无电源对象的阻值,也可测有电源对象的阻值,所以两者不得等同)利用内阻阻值的大小来判断电池的劣化状态, And multi-purpose table can only be measured object value, no power supply and internal resistance tester can not only test object value, no power supply is also measurable has a power resistance of an object, so both must not equal) use high internal resistance to determine the size of the battery state of degradation,(一般来说)其阻值越小电池的性能越好。因此,采用内阻进行测量电池的方法却是速度快且可靠性高的一种好方法。 (in general) the smaller resistance performance of the battery, the better. Therefore, adopting the method for measuring the battery internal resistance is high speed and reliability of a kind of good method. 智能内阻测试仪最大的优点是可以设定被测试参数的范围,不在被测的范围后微电脑系统可以自动报警,杜绝人为误判误读的错误,保证产品质量. Intelligent resistance tester is the biggest advantage is that can be set by the scope of the test parameters are not measured after the scope of the microcomputer system can automatically alarm, put an end to misjudgment misreading of human error, ensure the quality of products. 适用范围 Second, the scope of application 1、移动电话使用的镍镉、金属氢化物镍电池(组)、锂电池; 1, mobile phone use of nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride batteries (group),