- 台湾良研技术传承台湾良机,源于由日本;
- 我司的电机是全封闭式东莞电机,属品牌电机,节能耐用且环保,我司的电机级别高,其他品牌大部份是级数较低,我司2HP的电机相当于其他品牌3HP。
- 冷却塔塔体的材质为玻璃纤维强化塑胶(FRP),用的是国外进口胶,比普通胶更耐腐蚀、耐气候、耐压力,且密封性好,且比普通塔体用的胶量多,塔体重;
- 我司塔体比其他品牌玻璃钢光滑、增厚,塔形设计美观;
- 散热胶片散热性好耐气候耐腐蚀,市场上现在大部分胶片都是用的再生料生产,不但散热效果不好,且不耐用,而良研使用的是全新PVS塑料制作而成;
- 塔体的通水配件大部分都是镀锌钢,全部采用的是热镀,热镀目前市场上很少,主要原因是热镀贵,现在市场大部分都是冷镀锌的钢;热镀比冷镀的更防腐蚀更耐用;
- 塔运行时噪音相对较低
Shanghai cooling equipment Co., LTD. In Shanghai with large warehouse, warehouse within counter-current type cooling tower from 10 tons to 300 tons are stored in tanks, Good grind cooling tower in Shanghai have professional assembly and maintenance personnel several, for my company to provide first-class customer service, previous cooling towers producers won't for their customers assembly equipment, but good research company for my clients think, sold of equipment will be provide assembly and good after-sales service. Good research company's products adhering to the Taiwan liangchi company quality, customers achieve high quality, reasonable price and cost performance freeboard products, manufacturers welcome the letter calls query.