FDEG-40(-55) 0.6/1kV 1.8/3kV 铜芯乙丙橡皮绝缘硅橡胶橡皮护套风力发电用耐寒(耐严寒)耐扭曲软电缆,接地电阻测试方法及接地电阻测试仪使用方法图解春晨FDGF风能电缆耐扭转电缆
Test method of grounding resistance and diagram of using method of grounding resistance tester.
One, several methods of grounding resistance measurement
1. 两线法
1. two line method
Conditions: there must be known earthing, such as PEN, etc. the measured result is the measured resistance and the known resistance. If the resistance is known far less than the measured resistance, the measurement result can be used as the result of the test.
Suitable for: dense buildings or cement seal not playing pile area.
Connection: E+ES receives the tested place, H+S receives known.
2. 三线法
2. three line method春晨FDGF风能电缆耐扭转电缆
条件:必须有两个接地棒:一个辅助地和一个探测电极。 各个接地电极间的间隔不小于20米。原理是在辅助地和被测地之间加上电流,测量被测地和探测电极间的电压降,测量结果包括测量电缆本身的电阻。
Condition: there must be two grounding rods: one auxiliary and one detecting electrode. The intervals between the earthing electrodes are not less than 20 meters. The principle is to measure the voltage drop between the measured and detected electrodes by adding current between the auxiliary ground and the measured area. The measurement results include measuring the resistance of the cable itself.
It is suitable for grounding, grounding and lightning protection for building sites.
Connection: S is connected to the detection electrode, H is assisted, E is connected to ES, and then it is measured.
3. 四线法
3. four line method
Basically, the three wire method is replaced by the three wire method in the measurement of the low earth resistance and the elimination of the influence of cable resistance on the measurement results. When measuring, E and ES must be directly connected to the tested area separately. This method is the highest accuracy in all grounding resistance measurement methods.