用于天然乳胶手套的W70介绍: W70液体浆料经先进的工艺加工而成。具有无毒、高白度,流动性好、粘浓度低、固含高、沉降小等显著特点,用于天然乳胶手套的生产中,能明显提高胶膜的白度、平滑度、不透明度和拉伸强度,降低生产成本,是一种理想的天然乳胶填充浆料,
W70 introduction to natural latex gloves:W70 liquid slurry is processed by advanced technology.With a non-toxic, high whiteness, good mobility, low viscosity, high solid content, small settlement and other significant features,For the production of natural latex gloves, it can obviously increase the whiteness, smoothness, opacity and tensile strength, reduce production costs. It is an ideal natural latex filling material,Has the advantages of other filler There is nothing comparable to this.