天然乳胶检查手套、医用手套、丁腈手套生产线采用马来西亚、日本的先进技术和工艺配方,四轮链式传动系统能够确保行车稳定,热风循环和辐射加热系统共用,胶膜硫化干燥速度更快;在线无粉,自动脱模;产品一次性合格率高,满足FDA和CE 要求;生产线有45米,60米,78米,120米等多种规格,也可根据客户实际生产场地进行设计安装生产线. Natural latex examination gloves, medical gloves, Butadiene-acrylonitrile gloves ,the use of foreign advanced production line equipment and process technology recipes, medical hand / Frederick hands-free powder online, automatic Demoulding; product one-time pass rate, to meet FDA and CE requirements; production lines and 45 meters, 60 meters , 78 meters, 120 meters and many other specifications can also be designed in accordance with the installation of the actual needs of customers.