1、 此机适用于木皮家具板材水性,油性擦色。
2、 配合双毛刷机使用,木纹层次分明,立体感强。
3、 海绵轮采用优质原料制作,毛孔深,吸附力强。
4、 涂布轮、均布轮、输送部分全部单独采用进口电机、减速机、变频器控制,精密度高,稳定性好。
5、 采用铸件式设计,换装滚轮方便快捷。
6、 可选配人机界面,精密自动升降,独立电箱等全自动化配置。
1. This machine is avalible to color the wood piece of the furniture board.
2. Together with the brushes, to have the wooden hole outstanding ,and three-dimensional sense.
3. The rollers with deep pores, to have more paint.
4. The coater roller and the electronic roller and the conveyor controlled by separate motor、reducer、frequency、with best precision and stability.
5. It is easy to change the roller for the casting design.
6. It can be choose with the PLC, automatical elevator, detachable greese groove,sepatate electronic box or more automatical choosing outfit.