ULUO 800 Lead-free Soldering Station:卓越的性能:
1.惊人的升温速度 从室温上升至300℃绝不超过5秒2.智能化的焊接 功率充沛,并随焊点大小变化而变化,再大的焊点都能完成的焊接,能有效避免因冷焊等造成的连接不牢固。
3.非凡的热量恢复本领 神奇的温度补偿速度能解决无铅焊接制程中产生的温度矛盾,是无铅焊接的利器,同时也是一些特定低温条件下焊接的必备工具。
4.延长烙铁头寿命 焊接温度的相对降低大大延长了烙铁头的使用寿命。实用的功能:
1.自动休眠,节省能源 不使用烙铁时,可设置时间使其自动降温至200℃,当再次拿起烙铁时温度迅速回升至原设定值,亦可延长烙铁头寿命。
2.密码锁定功能 稳定的焊接温度是焊点品质的保证。本焊台能方便地使用密码锁定温度,他人无法随意改变设定温度。
3.发热器与焊咀分体结构 两者的分体设计能完全避免发热体必须与焊咀一起更换而带来的不必要损失,可大大节省开支,降低损耗。
2.采用带背光LCD 液晶双温度显示设计,按键式调温,数字式温度校准。
5.最多64台ULUO800 焊台可同时接驳一台电脑进行实时数据监控和管理,极大地提高了工作效率以及焊接品质。
Distinctive heating theory,Advanced soldering tool Brilliant Performance1.Astonished heating speed Only within 5s to reach 300℃ from room temperature.2.Perfect intelligent soldering effects Sufficient power various with the sizes of soldering point. Effectively avoid negative impact by cold soldering etc.3.Extraordinary heat recovery Incredible temperature compensation speed can solve temperature problems occured during the course of lead-free soldering.It is a must,maybe a better tool for lead-free soldering and lower-temperature soldering
4.Extension of life of soldering tips Relative lower temperature will largely prolong the life of soldering tips.Pratical Function1.Auto sleeping,energy-efficientWhen not in use,the time can be set to lower temperature below 200℃ automaticallyWhen work is needed again,temperature will reach up to set one rapidly.2.Temperature locking by passwordStable soldering temperature ensures high soldering effects.Temperature can be locked by passwords to prevent inadvertent changes3.Separate design between heater and soldering tipsSeparate design of heater and tip makes the replacement easy to as to save expenditure and cost.Features:1.High Frequency Current Heating;Sensor located on the top of tip which can sense the temperature of soldering point rapidly;Incredible fast heat recovery.2.Large LCD with the display of two temperatures;Set temperature only by pressing keys;Calibrate temperature digitally and easily.3.Range of temperature limits can be set according to the demands;if temperature exceeds the limit set by the operator,the unit sounds the alarm4.Auto sleeping time and Shut-off time can be set.5.Can be connected to the computer for group management,Once computer can control 64 units ULUO800 at the same time.6.Special tip grounding method to avoid the changes of Tip-to-Ground Resistance and Tip-to-Ground Potential after some time of use.7.ESD safe by design,various types of tips available.