防火玻璃窗分钢、木两类,有固定式、平开式、推拉式、上翻式多种。耐火极限:甲级1.5h,乙级1.0h,丙级0.5 h。该产品开启自如,防火、隔声、隔热、透光率高。产品主要用于防火分区,其质量符合国家《钢制防火窗通用技术条件》标准(报批稿)要求。单樘防火玻璃面积应不大于2.5㎡。
SpecificationsThe fire-resistant glass window use Integrity & Insulation Glass
1. Can be cut by water jet
2. 120 min fire rated periodThe fire-resistant glass window use Integrity & Insulation Glass
1. Can be cut by water jet
2. 120 min fire rated period Glass Features: 1. Integrity and Insulation Glass2. Clear glass with no distortion of free vision3. Sound reduction property4. UV Filter glazed property, suitable for usr in both internal and external applications.5. Life-long stable performance property6. "Class A" Safety Glass property in BS62067. Pigmented or Patterned to give natural color selection.8. Can be cut by Water Jet