Shenzhen Huayi Toys Co., Ltd. is a production and processing, wholesale distribution of a limited liability company, toys, Vinyl mold, Vinyl toys, hand wax, plaster hand, plastic toys, Toys Co., Ltd. of Shenzhen City, the main Huayi business products. Shenzhen Huayi Toys Co., Ltd. is an approval by the relevant state registration of enterprises. Shenzhen Huayi toys to the abundant strength, reasonable prices, excellent service and a number of enterprises established long-term partnership. Shenzhen Huayi Toys Co., Ltd. sincerely welcome to visit, study, business negotiations.深圳市华艺玩具厂是一家集生产加工、经销批发的有限责任公司,玩具、搪胶模具、搪胶玩具、蜡样手板、石膏手板、塑胶玩具、是深圳市华艺玩具厂的主营产品。深圳市华艺玩具厂是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。深圳市华艺玩具厂以雄厚的实力、合理的价格、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。深圳市华艺玩具厂热诚欢迎各界前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。