纳米碳酸钙石粉(caco3),是我厂采用天然纯白重钙、白云石、为主要原料,经精选及采用最先进设备精细研磨加工而成,含碳酸钙95%以上,白度96%-98%。 目前,我厂最为优越的条件:拥有自己的大型石场,多条生产线,月产10000吨,细度达以325目至6000目,产品以光滑、雪白、粘度大、稳定性好为特点。 主要用途:各种化工涂料、塑料(PVC、电线电缆、塑钢门窗)、人造革、鞋材、橡胶、圣诞工艺、画框及高级装修或扇灰,各种涂料等建材用料和工业用料。化学分析表碳酸钙(CaCo3)97.35%氧化铁(Fe2O3)0.08%氧化铝(AL2O3)0.25%氧化镁(MgO)0.2%酸不溶物(HCLinsoluble matter)0.23%PH5%混合液(PH5%solution)8~10物理分析表白色度(Whiteness)97.0GEDOP吸收量(DOP absorption)0.249±0.008cc/g水份(Moisture)0.08%比表面积(Surface arca)11800±500cm/g粒度分布325mesh残量(Residue on 325mesh)02μ 粒径(2u particle size)31%50%通过粒径(Surface arca)5μ100%通过粒径(d100%pass particle size)10.0μ测定方法1、白色度:以KETT C-100测定2、DOP吸收量:在10g粉末中滴定,直至成块状止3、水份:以烘箱在温度过105C中经二小时烘干至恒量止的重量损失率4、比表面积:以SHIMADZU公司出品之比表面积测定器,粉末1g相对比表面积5、粒度分布:以MALYERN MASTERSIZER测定附注:本产品已添加分散剂在粉体里,其特点主要适用增强PVC产品的表面光泽及其韧性厂价直销质量稳定送货上门质优价廉服务一流欢迎来电垂询,联系人李守全 电话13809216008
Nano calcium carbonate
Specific Surface Area sp.m/g | CM2/G | 25000士500 | DOP absorb | C.C./100G | 62 |
Average Parcicle Size | MICRON (nm) | 25士5 | ResidueON325 Mesh g/kg | % | 0 |
True Specific Gravity | TON/M3 | 2.7 | PH value | 9士0.5 | 9士0.5 |
Bulk Density | C.C./G | 0.48 | Sediment Volume | 30min(c.c.) | 82 |
Moisture% | % | 0.25Max | Sediment Volume | 60min(c.c.) | 77 |
Oil Absorption Value % | C.C./100G | 38 | Whiteness |
| 97.5士0.5 |
Water volume | C.C./G | 64 | Net Werght | KG | 25 |
二、Rubber Industry
Nano-ultra-fine calcium carbonate with ultra-fine, ultra-pure to the characteristics of the production process to effectively control the size of the crystal shape and size, and a surface modification. Hence its rubber in the space of three-dimensional structure, have a good dispersion characteristics, enhance the role of reinforcement. Such as chain-of-nanometer ultra-fine calcium carbonate, in the rubber mixing, the chain-like chain was interrupted, will form a large number of high activity or high surface activity, they are linked with a rubber-button connection, not only spread good , And has greatly increased the role of reinforcement. The rubber industry in Japan, to small oil seal, auto parts, large tires, plastic, rubber hose have been widespread use of nano-ultra-fine calcium carbonate, more noteworthy is that it not only as a reinforcing filler alone, But according to the needs of production used in conjunction with other fillers, such as: carbon black, silica, calcium carbonate light or heavy, clay, titanium dioxide, etc., to reinforce, filling, palette, processing technology and products to improve performance and reduce Resin content or replace the part of white carbon black, titanium white, and so expensive white packing purposes.
三、Plastics Industry
As nanometer ultra-fine calcium carbonate with high-gloss, low wear rate, surface modification and reduced oil and other characteristics, can be filled in PVC, PP and Bakelite, such as polymers, and are now widely used Fill in the PVC cables.
四、Paint Industry
Can be used as paint filler, a delicate, uniform, white and high optical performance and the advantages of nano-space with ultra-fine calcium carbonate steric effect, in Zhiqi, make formula in the lithopone greater density of suspended , From the anti-settlement role. Zhiqi, an increase of white film, high-gloss, but not lower Zhegai Li, the performance of its industrial coatings was a lot to promote the role.