A 、各相馆,婚纱影楼,景点,医院,学校等
B、 工业上的应用:对于塑胶、电子、五金、有机玻璃等行业样品打样及产品批量生产起到了快速出样,加工成倍降低的特点。 联系方式段雅君:18207551765 13242975152 QQ:726343529 传真:0755-84681190
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新添润评着丰厚实力,够硬的技术得到了ISO9001质量体系认证、CE认证,机器比其它同行业厂家更稳定,我们拥有庞大的售后服务团队,是全国售后服务最好的万能打印机生产厂家,专业生产A+(武藤平板机)、A0(espon 9880C)、A1(espson7880C)、A2(epson 4880C)、A3高速(epson1900C)、A3经济(espon1390C)等系列万能打印机,厂家直销,欢迎来电详询。
1、POP展示板 POP展板是宽幅图像最主要的应用之一,即有数码喷绘的,也有印刷或丝网印的,总计占到宽幅图像市场的42%。用UV墨水直接印制在硬质板材上,如:KT板、亚克力板、有机玻璃板等等,减少了覆膜、褪色、起泡的麻烦,同时大量节省了人工。
2、硬质标牌 硬质标牌的制作非常像POP,也是平板打印机的受益者,使用UV墨水(新添润UV专用墨水)的平板打印机可以直接喷绘到最终的标牌材质上,如金属、木头、塑料等等。相对于传统的做法:喷绘或印刷在带背胶的贴膜类材料上然后再贴上去,既减少了工序,降低了成本,又增加了牢固程度。
3、硬纸板或者瓦楞纸包装 平板打印机另外一个非常确定的目标应用领域是包装,一个预计全球市场将会超过800亿美元的大行业。目前主要使用苯胺印刷、丝网印刷和模板印制的包装公司,可以购置平板打印机来进行打样和针对小批量定制客户的直接输出。
联系方式段雅君:18207551765 13242975152
欢迎来电段经理18207551756 13242975152 0755-33074516 QQ:1760109272 http://xintianrrun06.cn.alibaba.com/
我们欢迎您比较公司的规模,看一下谁的售后服务做得最好最到位最让顾客放心!欢迎来电18207551765 13242975152 0755-33074516
XTR companyseeking to become theworld s leadingprinting equipmentdemand, traderspartner,Recruitment Agents,welcomed thesize of the domestictrading companywelcometo cooperate withbusiness opportunities, benefitswithout borders.
XTR-1325 uv flabed printer
Thecompanymainly engaged inequipment
XTR 230 A4 210*290MM A4万能平板彩印机
XTR1390 A3 320*600MM A3万能平板彩印机
XTR 1900 A3 320*600 A4高速万能平板彩印机
XTR 4880 A2(420*850,420*1600,420*2000MM)A2 万能平板彩印机
XTR 7880 A1 620*2000 620*2500MM A1 万能平板彩印机
XTR 9880 A0 1200*2000,1200*2500MM A0万能平板彩印机
XTR 7910/9910/11880C 系列平板彩印机
MOTUH 900C A1/A0 高速平板彩印机
XTR 1325 UV 1300*2500 MM平板彩印机
XTR 230 A4 210 * 290MM A4universalflatprinting machine
XTR1390 A3 320 * 600MM A3universalflatprinting machine
XTR1900 A3 320 * 600 A4high-speed universalflatprinting machine
XTR 4880 A2 (420 * 850,420 * 1600,420 * 2000MM) A2universalflatprinting machine
XTR7880 A1 620 * 2000 620 * 2500MM A1universalflatprinting machine
XTR 9880 A0 1200 * 2000,1200 * 2500MM A0universalflatprinting machine
XTR7910/9910/11880CSeriesflatprinting machine
MOTUH 900C A1/A0flatcolor printingspeed
XTR 1325 UV 1300 * 2500 MMflatprinting machine
【新添润】万能彩印设备,可以印刷各种平面材质,比如金属片、玻璃、亚克力、水晶、塑料板、皮革、硅胶、木板、特种纸张等。不需制版晒版、不需菲林、不需套色,直接数码印刷,图案一次性成型,对印刷数量无要求,一件即印,成本低廉,电脑操作,省时省力 ~~~ 商务印刷/工业印刷的好帮手!!~~~~
[XTR]Universaladded a newprinterthat canprinta variety ofsoft/hardflatmaterialssuch asmetal, glass,crystal,acrylic,plastic, leather,wood,specialty paper,fabricand so on.Printformatarefrom1.625 mto0.329 m*2.5 m*0.6 m, A + + + / A0/A1/A2/A3othermodels.Noprintingplate, nofilm,notrapping,directdigitalprinting, patternforminga one-time,quick and easy!Printingcan be more orless,onecan beprinted,low cost.Computer operation,highly automated,saving time and effortthe provincial labor!!
[Run]Universaladded a newprinter,typethewholecountry,most stable performance,the bestservice,bestpriceuniversal printer!!
[XTR]Universaladded a newcolor printingequipment, you canprinta variety of printmaterialssuch asmetal, glass,acrylic, crystal,plastic sheeting,leather,silicone,wood, specialpaper.Noplatecopy,nofilm,notrapping,directdigitalprinting, patternforminga one-time,the number ofnon-printingrequirements,aprint-,low-cost, computer operations,saving time and effort~~~BusinessPrinting/PrintingIndustrya good helper!!~~~~
[Run]Universaladded a newprinter,the countrys best and mostaffordableuniversalprinter!~~~
精度高喷头单向打印,低精度是双向打印的,精度高和精度低的打印效果是一致的,外行人看不出来,内行人要用放大镜才可以看得出来的。不用出菲林、不用套色、不用拉网、晒网、不良率低,而丝印的就是要出菲林、拉网、晒网、4色以上的都要套色 、不良率高;操作简单只有上下左右四个键,综合速度快;
规格有A+++ ,A0,A1,A2,A2+,A3,A3+,A4等,每种规格又分为几款不同的型号,我司还曾经数次研发出行业中的新型技术领先的万能打印机款式,新产品短期销量十分火爆,我司还不断从各方面精装改进各个型号的机器,改进机型十分畅销。
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1) 墨水:若溶剂型墨水,具有一定的附着力!既不是水性墨水,也不是油性墨水,是介于水性墨水和油性墨水之间的全新的环保型溶剂型墨水,既有水性墨水的特点又兼有油性墨水的优点。万能打印机墨水也分为好几种,按不同的功能与用途分为普通弱溶剂墨水、加热免涂层墨水、免涂层墨水(免加热)、纺织墨水、白色墨水等。
2) 涂层种类:一般分为硬质材料涂层和软质材料涂层两大类,每大类里又分出几小类,分别对应每种不同材料专用的涂层,如金属涂层、ABS涂层、铝塑板涂层、皮革亮光涂层、木器哑光涂层、BH涂层等。
3) 一套8色墨水是8公升(每色1升),一套墨水一般可以打印900-1200平米(每公升能打印 120-150平方)
2、分辨率:2880 x 1440 dpi
A0幅面(1118mm*2000mm) (1118*2500mm) (1080*2500mm)
5、高逼真全彩色打印:双4色/双5色/ 6色/ 8色 /9色/11色
1. 可在任何材质上喷印图片
[xtr] universal printer added a new top ten selling points:
1) High-accuracy, low cost, greatly reducing the cost of special printing industry, production and processing;
Because the universal printer, without a film, plate, chromatography and other complex procedures, printing costs and it would save a big slice.Accuracy: (720,1440,2880) dpi, high precision, accuracy there are several grades of adjustable, high-precision image quality is high, the image fine, but the speed is relatively slow, low-precision image quality is relatively low, the speed is high andaccuracy of the fast.Different accuracy and speed in varying degrees, to save costs.
2) print speed, easy to operate, no person dependent;
High precision print head one-way, low-precision two-way printing, high precision and low accuracy of the prints is the same, outsiders can not see, insiders can use a magnifying glass to see the.Not a film, not chromatic, without netting, drying nets, poor rate, and screen printing is to the film, netting, drying nets, 4 more to be chromatic color, poor rate; simple up and down onlyfour keys, integrated speed;
3) the use of original Epson printer head, high image quality, color fidelity;
Secretary of the universal printer head is imported from abroad Epson original nose, 80% of global manufacturers are using Epson printers, and her popularity is the main stable, cost-effective, bright, easy to operate, easy maintenance.Printer printer to the base is designed according to different specifications of the base not the same, large-scale universal printer base for stability, strong pressure, small universal printer requires a flexible, easy to move, small footprint.
4) processing to facilitate mass production, mass processing of template matching;
A3 printer for mass production and a small amount of production, characterized by small batch production and mass production costs are the same, small batch production and high profits.Model A2 machine and more versatile printer suitable for large volume production.Large quantities can be special homemade template matching processing, the product easily arranged templates, batch processing more convenient and cheaper production costs of the template, long-term repeated use.
5) any material suitable for universal printer ink, printing materials, waterproof scratch.
There are several universal printer ink: 1. Ordinary low-solvent inks for printing any material above (except textiles outside) such as glass, metal, acrylic, wood, ceramic, plastic, leather, MDF and so on.This need to spray the ink layer.(2) heating the coating-free ink, do not do any pre-press, while heating (installation of heating plate printer) side of the print.3 Free-free heating the ink coating, without any pre-press, has no heating, direct printing on the material.4 textile ink, no coating, only suitable for printing textile fabrics.5 white ink, and some special process required to.
6) stability, solves many of the shortcomings of existing flatbed printer;
Is the use of Epson s original nose equipment, strong stability, in addition to man-made improper operation, the hardware will not be easily general bad.Our universal printer conversion technology has been upgraded to the third-generation, third generation conversion technology is the use of head movements highlight the main structure, the structure is more reasonable, more accurate positioning, stability and more security.
7) new technology, features multi-purpose, wide application;
Universal printer is emerging in recent years, a new type of printing equipment, to the special printing industry to bring a new technology, print quality high-definition, rich colors, color transition, a variety of gradient patterns, colorful blossoms printed images, picturesThe traditional color of dull, low accuracy, color and other issues.Wide range of applications, can be used for glass sliding door photo, advertising printing, plate making, printing crafts, DIY personalized printing, and other major industries.
8) Our company is the largest, the largest universal printer manufacturer;
Our factory based in Shenzhen, the economic development of the vast, vast market activity, rapid growth and now has several new factories, offices.The total area to 9800 square meters, the company employs about 200 people, factory fixed assets valuation of more than 50 million yuan.
9) Our company is the universal printer product range, specifications, models the most complete factory;
Specifications are A + + +, A0, A1, A2, A2 +, A3, A3 +, A4, etc., each specification is pided into several different models, our company also had several developed industries in new technology leading universal printer style,short-term sales of new products is very popular, our company continuously improve all aspects of the various types of machines hardcover, improved models are very popular.
10) Our company has experienced technical large technical team, product quality and service guaranteed;
I have a professional and technical personnel (including engineers, technical managers, technical consultants, etc.) about 60 people, including nine technicians have more than 5 years old experience.In terms of product design, assembly, production, transformation, or from the product upgrade, repair, maintenance are so down to earth, the better.
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On universal printer ink
1) Ink: If solvent-based inks, has a certain adhesion!Neither water-based ink, is not oil-based ink is water-based ink and oil-based ink between the between the new environmentally friendly solvent-based inks, both water-based ink characteristics and the advantages of both oil-based ink.Universal printer ink is also pided into several, according to different functions and uses are pided into ordinary low-solvent inks, heat-free coating ink, ink-free coating (Free Heat), textile ink, white ink.
2) Coating Type: generally pided into hard and soft materials, coating materials, coating two categories, each category in turn branch into several subclasses, each corresponding to different materials, special coatings, such as metal coating, ABS-coated, aluminum plate coated, light-coated leather, wood, matte coated, BH coating.
3) a set of 8 color ink is 8 liters (1 liter per color), a printing ink can generally be 900-1200 square meters (120-150 square can be printed per liter)
Theoretical value: per liter, a full-scale full-color printed image, the average concentration of color, printable 80-100 square.
Actual value: the printed image is not a full-scale, sometimes occupy the entire color image format only part, usually 50-85%, and even below 40%, so in the process of production and processing may be per liter150 square or 200 square feet.
One.Universal printer size and Features
Flat basic technical parameters of inkjet printers
1, can be printed in multiple media, the uneven surface (curvature of the distance to maintain the level of 7 mm or less) the same color will be bright.
2, Resolution: 2880 x 1440 dpi
3 Print speed A4 full-color full-width 1 minute, cost: 0.2 yuan / A4 size
4, printable area:
A4 size (210mm * 297mm)
A3 + format (329mm * 600mm)
A2 format (420mm * 800mm) (420mm * 1600mm) (420mm * 2000mm)
A1 format (620mm * 2000mm) (620mm * 2500mm)
A0 format (1118mm * 2000mm) (1118 * 2500mm) (1080 * 2500mm)
A + format (1355mm * 2500mm)
A + + + format (1650mm * 2500mm)
5, high fidelity full-color printing: 4 color double / double 5-color / 6 color / 4 color / 4 color / 11 color
6, the maximum thickness of the printable objects, 55cm, maximum weight 100 kg print.
7, print objects to be sprayed with a coating before printing, coating 0.10 yuan / ml, ink: 0.40 yuan / ml, depending on the nature of the objects need to use different coatings and inks.
Flat functions inkjet printers - the output data directly from computer to universal direct printing inkjet printers ---!
1. In any material on the printing image
Such as: glass, metal, acrylic / acrylic, light-colored T-shirts, leather / PU / synthetic leather, wood, crystal, plastic, organic board, rubber, marble, ceramic tile, metal, ceramic / porcelain,Film, PVC / PC / PET, EVA and so on.
2.Irregular surface in part (within the arc gap in 7mm) on printing pictures
Such as: mobile phone, telephone, U disk, glasses, vases, pens, etc.
3.Object height: Standard Edition 0 ~ 15cm, customized up to 55cm.
4.Free intermediate supplies, such as: transfer paper, crystal glue, crystal film, heat tape, heat transfer equipment
Three: the use of flat jet printer
1, the personalized gift market: domestic market size of over 9.8 billion gift has become a popular gift trends.Printed on the gift your photos or favorite pictures, icons, text, size-fits-face to get rid of gifts, to better reflect the value of gifts and the giver of originality.
2, home decoration and furniture market: domestic market of tens of billions of home decoration, home decoration is also personalized quietly popular.Glass sliding door, interior sliding door, sliding door and other arts, the user preferences according to their own home style, decorative painting, tile, furniture, floor print your favorite photos or images, with their favorite style of decorating their home,to create a truly personal space of their own.
3, personalized goods market: popular mobile phones and digital products in the market a considerable part of the user group is young and trendy, these products print their own personalized logo is to show the best embodiment.Some carry-on items such as mirrors, lighters, wallets, backpacks and other personal self-expression of these users is a good way.
4, personalized video consumer market: the rapid development of digital imaging, it is no longer confined to your own photos printed on photo paper.Universal digital printing system can be any image printed on crystal, glass, acrylic, metal, ceramic, canvas and so on.Different material effect on the printed product and the impression is not the same, people can be your own photos printed on different materials, the enriched form of photos and effects.
5, movies, games, animation, pop culture around the market: digital printing system can also be based on trends and easily some of the current popular movies, animation, HIP-HOP and other popular elements of the picture or printed on some items.
6, advertising and signage market: high quality, high prices, small batch production of advertisements and signs, such as various metal membership cards, attendance cards, badges, listing, authorization cards and other full color printing, the printing technology which is currently difficult toachieve.
7, Professional proofing: a shape, no plate, part of the material can be used repeatedly, and low cost; computer-typesetting, modify, create, simple operation, high efficiency and significantly reduce costs.
8, small quantities of professional-quality printing: inkjet direct printing, no plate out of film, not a transfer and film, image quality, color accurate positioning; printable media-rich, broad customer base.
No plate, trapping, proofing, a molding.No way to screen printing complex colors, expensive water transfer, heat transfer material damage, the traditional printing images overlap, the color blur, accuracy is not high, but will fade, the result is not ideal, but we are in this new productimprovement on conventional printing equipment, can make up for their shortcomings, we can have excessive color, the interface automatically generates color, three-dimensional pictures, colorful.Different materials can be printed.