太阳牌Permatex超蓝RTV硅制垫片胶Permatex Utra Blue RTV Silicone Gasket Maker气味淡,无腐蚀性物质,保证了传感器的安全性,其填充缝隙最大可达6mm。该产品粘合力强,并且充分发挥其防止油及冷却液渗漏的特点和抗振的特性。其弹性是软木垫片或复合材料垫片的8倍。其防油能力是普通硅胶的3倍。间歇适用温度范围在-54℃-260℃之间。Permatex Ultra Blue Multipurpose RTV Silicone Gasket MakerOEM specified. Permatex?Ultra silicones were developed to meet today抯technology changes. Sensor-safe, low odor, noncorrosive. Outstanding oil resistance and joint movement values. Eight times more flexible than cork/composite gaskets; three times more oil resistant than conventional silicones. Temperature range -65F to 500F (-54 to℃260℃) intermittent; resists auto and shop fluids and vibration. 型号包装规格颜色填充缝隙典型应用法兰类型适用温度 比重固化形态817243.35oz.管装金属蓝 6mm 更强的抗油性,防腐 刚性或柔性 -54℃至204℃ 1.30 硅胶855199.5oz.罐桶8275113oz.卡桶