層絞式普通鎧裝光纜(GYTY53) Stranded Loose Tube Armored Cable产品描述 DescriptionGYTY53 光缆的结构是将 250μm 光纤套入高模量材料制成的松套管中,松套管内填充防水化合物。缆芯的中心是一根金属加强芯,对于某些芯数的光缆来说,金属加强芯外还需要挤上一层聚乙烯(PE)。松套管(和填充绳)围绕中心加强芯绞合成紧凑和圆形的缆芯,缆芯内的缝隙充以阻水填充物。缆芯外挤上一层聚乙烯内护套,双面涂塑钢带(PSP)纵包后挤制聚乙烯护套成缆。The fibers, 250μm, are positioned in a loose tube made of a high modulus plastic. The tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. A steel wire, sometimes sheathed with polyethylene (PE) for cable with high fiber count, locates in the center of core as a metallic strength member. Tubes (and fillers) are stranded around the strength member into a compact and circular cable core. The cable core is filled with the filling compound to protect it from water ingress, over which a thin PE inner sheath is applied. After the PSP is longitudinally applied over the inner sheath, the cable is completed with a PE outer sheath.
· 产品特点 Characteristics
· 具有很好的机械性能和温度特性
· Good mechanical and temperature performance
· 松套管材料本身具有良好的耐水性能和较高的强度
· High strength looes tube that is hydrolysis resistant
· 管内充以特种油膏,对光纤进行了关键性保护
· Special tube filling compound ensure a critical protection of fiber
· 良好的抗压性和柔软性
· Crush resistance and flexibility
· 采用下列措施来确保光缆的防水性能:
· The following measures are taken to ensure the cable watertight: - 单根钢丝中心加强芯 - Steel wire used as the central strength member - 松套管内填充特种防水化合物 - Loose tube filling compound - 完全缆芯填充 - 100% cable core filling - 双面涂塑钢带(PSP)提高光缆的抗透潮能力 - PSP enhancing moisture-proof - 良好的阻水材料防止光缆纵向渗水 - Water-blocking material
· 产品标准 Standards GYTY53 光缆符合 YD/T 901-2001 和 IEC 60794-1 标准 GYTY53 cable complies with Standard YD/T 901-2001as well as IEC 60794-1.
· 光学特性 Optical Characteristics G.652G.65550/125μm62.5/125μm衰减Attenuation( 20℃)@850nm ≤3.0 dB/km ≤3.0 dB/km@1300nm ≤1.0 dB/km ≤1.0 dB/km@1310nm ≤0.36 dB/km ≤0.40 dB/km @1550nm ≤0.22 dB/km ≤0.23dB/km 带宽(A级)Bandwidth (Class A)@850nm ≥500 MHz
· km ≥200 MHz
· km@1300nm ≥1000 MHz
· km ≥600 MHz
· km数值孔径Numerical Aperture 0.200 ±0.015NA0.275 ±0.015NA光缆截止波长Cable Cut-off Wavelengthλcc ≤1260nm ≤1480nm
· 结构参数 Technical Parameters光缆型号Cable Type光纤数Fiber Count套管数Tubes填充绳数Fillers光缆直径Cable Diametermm光缆重量Cable Weight kg/km允许拉伸力Tensile Strength长期/短期Long/Short Term N允许压扁力Crush Resistance长期/短期Long/Short TermN/100mm弯曲半径Bending Radius静态/动态Static/DynamicmmGYTY53-2~6芯2~61513.81881000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-8~12芯8~122413.81881000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-14~18芯14~183313.81881000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-20~24芯20~244213.81881000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-26~30芯26~305113.81881000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-32~36芯32~366013.81881000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-38~48芯38~484114.62061000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-50~60芯50~605014.62061000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-62~72芯62~726015.02151000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-74~84芯74~847116.42541000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-86~96芯86~968016.42541000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-98~108芯98~1089117.82901000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-110~120芯110~12010017.82901000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-122~132芯122~13211119.53401000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-134~144芯134~14412019.53401000/30001000/300010D/20DGYTY53-146~216芯146~216 19.53451000/30001000/300010D/20D储存、使用温度: -40℃ 至 70℃Storage/Operating Temperature : -40℃ to 70℃