清洗后工件清洗效果好,清洁度高且全部工件清洁度一致 ;清洗速度快,提高生产效率,不须人手接触清洗液,安全可靠 ;对深孔、细缝和工件隐蔽处亦可清洗干净 ;对工件表面无损伤,节省溶剂、热能、工作场地和人工等。可将防锈、磷化、漂洗、干燥等工艺过程结合工作
After cleaning
the workpiece, high cleanness-degree cleaning effect and all workpiece
cleanness-degree correspond, Cleaning faster and improve production efficiency,
need not hand touching cleaning solution, safe and reliable, To deep holes,
fine seam and workpiece shelter can clean; The workpiece surface no damage,
saving solvent, thermal and the work site and artificial etc. But will rust,
phosphating, rinse and drying process combining work
conditioning copper aluminum tube, automobile oil tube, stainless steel pipe,
metal pipes, model-s, automotive shock absorber, fitness equipment fittings,
glass pipes, valves, such as pieces of metal fittings in appearance and some
surface uneven, blind holes, holes workpiece hideout in the process of
production and processing of smeary, wax fat, clastic, dust and attachments to
surface treatment.