ELITE P5000系统,提供快速优质的手板成型服务。并且配套打磨、喷灰、喷漆及丝印设备,提供手板的表面处理及加工服务。先进一流的设备、敬业的手人和优良的管理、确保制作的样板精准亮丽。
laser sintering)粉末材料选择性烧结的简称,指采用二氧化碳激光器对粉末材料(塑料粉等与粘结剂的混合粉)进行选择性烧结。原理就是激光束在计算机控制下按照截面轮廓对实心部分所在的粉末进行烧结,使粉末溶化继而形成一层固体轮廓。第一层烧结完成后,工作台下降一截面层的高度,在铺上一层粉末,进行下一层烧结,如此循环,形成三维的原型零件。该工艺具有原材料选择广泛,零件的构建时间较短,耐高温和老化等优点,适用于原型及功能零件的制造。
SLS (Selected Laser Sintering): Carbon
dioxide laser selectively sinter the raw material--powder material (Mixture
with plastic powder and binder). Working principle: computer controlled laser
beam sinters the powder material in accordance with the cross-sectional profile,
then the powder melting and then a layer of solid contours is formed. The
workbench moves down a layer distance and covers a new layer. Keep repeating
until the entire 3D prototype is finished. Advantage: low rate of water
absorption, aging resistance and chemical resistance for functional parts.