【 四、油墨使用安全规则】 1、油墨,稀释剂使用及储存时严禁烟火。 2、使用时注意施工场所的通风状况良好。 3、本品不慎溅入口、鼻、眼、耳内,应用大量水清洗或直接求助医生。 4、Metal pad printing series metal pad printing ink aluminium alloy pad printing ink stainless steel pad printing ink galvanized iron pad printing ink supply free roast from add hardener from dry metal ink 【 a, ink, use the technology reference 】 TA hardware unit a free roast silk screen printing ink is to do not have baking conditions and don't impressed curing agent and development unit of high performance ink. Ink easy to use, does not need to add curing agent, do not need to bake, can obtain excellent adhesion. Has the flat, adhesion, good resistance to stamping, resistance to alcohol etc. 1. The applicable scope: all kinds of metal, alloy, glass, ceramics, electroplating, stone, anodic alumina surface and roast (spray) paint, etc 2. Thinner: with the company S - 003 thinner. Wash the net with S - 718 water washing their nets 3. Usage: with 300 mesh screen ? 对本品过敏者,使用前应涂覆一层皮肤扶肤膏或戴不渗透性手套。