benz sd connector C4 with full function software detaibenz :
sd connector C4 is the latest mercedes benz star diagnostic tool, compare for the benz star , it have the following advance features:
1: benz sd connector C4 connnect with the laptop with lan connector. benz star with rs232 connector.
2: benz sd connector C4 can diagnostic all benz car and truck,include after 2010 year car,like the benz w207 ,w212 car.
benz star only for the before 2010 year benz car and truck.
3: benz sd connector C4 is fast for the benz car ecu programming than the benz star.
4: benz sd connector C4 have the screen to show the diagnositc result info.
for our benz sd connector C4 with full function software advace:
1: we have 21 kind of language das language and multi language of the xentry.
2: we have the developer software.
3: our best advance is the technic support: as you know ,the benz sd connector connect with the laptop with lan cable and the wifi. we can
set the benz sd connector connect with lan cable and do the support by wift internet connect .so we can use the wifi to connect with the
internet,to provide technic support by team viewer