巨升进口公司系巨升进口物流链集团在中国大陆开立的第七家分公司,我司主营二手游艇进口报关、新旧机械进口报关、木材进口报关、化工品进口报关、仪器仪表进口报关、模具设备进口报关、五金建材进口报关、二手机电进口报关、二手机械进口报关、二手直升机进口报关、二手印刷机进口报关、二手起重机进口报关、二手推土机进口报关、二手挖掘机进口报关、二手木工机械进口报关、二手游艇进口报关、豪华游轮进口报关、新旧家具进口报关、真皮沙发进口报关、胶印机进口报关、机床进口报关、冲床进口报关、铣床进口报关、钻机进口报关、整条生产线进口报关等货物进口报关、清关代理业务。公司内部施行进口业务ERP信息管理, 外部市场营销全面推行BTB物流供应链管理平台”,充分实现电子化、商务化、专业化、全球化、快捷化。
Service covers
一、国际物流类 logistics assistant
码 头:深圳/广州/香港/东莞/佛山/惠州,上海/苏州/杭州/青岛/天津
Dock : shenzhen, guangzhou, dongguan foshan huizhou hong kong, shanghai, tianjin, suzhou hangzhou qingdao
Service area : holonbuyr the city, harbin, in changchun, shenyang, beijing, tianjin, hohhot, unchon and taiyuan, shijiazhuang, xi'an and luoyang, lanzhou, zhengzhou, wuhan, nanjing, hefei and nanchang, fuzhou, hangzhou, shanghai, jinan, hong kong, macao, haikou, nanning and kunming, changsha, chongqing for the moment.
海 运:国际远洋运输,国际空运,门到门服务,全球300多个主要海港及中港驳船,内河运输。
Sea transport : international ocean transportation, international air, door to door services, the 300 main harbour and the mainland, naika transport.
陆 运:中港吨车/拖车,内地监管拖车,普通拖车中港运输
Lu : with tons of freight cars trailers, and trailers from the mainland, with a trailer
空 运:专业操作欧美、中东、东南亚、非洲、澳洲航线
Empty : professional operation of the occident, middle east, southeast asia, africa, the australian airline
零 担 货:散货深圳仓库/黄埔仓库拼箱,保税仓加工销售处理
Zero loads of goods : 散货 the military depot in shenzhen, together with processing sales 保税仓
二、报关类 Declare class
代理进出口报关:二手游艇进口报关代理、化工品进口报关代理、二手机械进口报关代理、木材进口报关代理、家具进口报关代理、工艺品进口报关代理、塑胶进口报关代理、纺织品进口报关代理、 灯饰进口报关代理、建材进口报关代理等等,报车、报船、备案、转厂、核销、新企业注册。
Agent for the import and export customs declaration : yacht, chemical products for import customs agent, the machinery import customs agent, timber, furniture import to import customs agents and crafts import customs agent, plastic import of textiles import customs, customs agents and lanterns, lamp decoration import customs agents and building materials import customs agent etc. the train, ship, for the record, to work, written off and new enterprises.
三、商检类 contract of inspection
The type of inspection and export commodity inspection for machines to slip, functions, boxes, without its packing, fumigation certificate.
四、外贸类 rockman
Special import and export permit the goods, hardware and the rubber of the quota, the most important manufactured goods for 氧化铝 that cargo insurance agent receive a letter of credit open, and the international t t after wiring, export tax refunds.
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