多功能驱赶器(AN-B010) 该装置能根据不同环境需求调试功能转换键而发出:超声波;强闪光;高分贝声波,来驱赶动物(如猫,狗,鸟,鼠等) 适用范围:超声波驱猫/驱狗/驱鸟/驱鼠器适用于:花园,庭院,家庭或者公寓,餐馆,农场等. 技术参数:1. 供电:9伏叠层电池或者9伏适配器2. 有效范围:约50平方米3. 频率范围:15-26KHZ,每6秒变换一次频率4. 音频:大约7KHZ5. 输出声压:110dB
规格:模式一(黄灯);闪灯+报警音+超声模式二(绿色):闪灯+超声模式三(红色):超声模式四(红灯闪);长时间发出超声 1. 将产品接电,按下功能选择开关,产品进入模式一状态,红色指示灯亮,延时约20S进入警戒状态,当红外线检测到目标移动热体时,触发模式1工作, 30S后(响3秒,间歇2秒)停止又转为警戒状态.2.在没有触发红外感应装置之前,按模式转换键可以在这四个模式之间按顺序转换。3.前三个模式每转换一次,延时约10S才进入待感应。而且前三个模式都由红外感应触发工作,工作周期约为30秒.4.红外感应覆盖面积约为50平方米,感应角度110° 注意事项:
Multifunction Repeller(AN-B010)
The device can emit ultrasonic, strong flash,high decibel sound waves to drive away animals (such as cats, dogs, birds, mice, etc.) via function adjust button A according to different environmental needs.
Multifunction Repeller : suitable for Garden,yard,home and apartments,food service ,farms and so on.
Technical data:
1.Power Supply: 9-volt battery stacked or a mains powered 9V adaptor
2.Passive infrared area: 70 square meter
3.Passive infrared area: 110 degree
3.Frequency range:15-26KHZ
4.Audio frequency:app 7KHZ
5.Output sound pressure : 110 dB
Specifications :
Multifunction Repeller has two work patterns for your choice, one pattern is auto-work ,the other pattern is passive infrared trigger work.
Mode one with yellow light:Ultrasound+Alarm+Flashing Mode two with green light (brighten long time): LED FlashingMode three with red light(brighten long time):Ultrasound+AlarmMode four with the flashing red light: LED lighten, last 30 secondsAbove all 4 modes are triggeredMode five with the flashing green light: Ultrasonic with long time working with automatic (without trigger, without passive infrared)
1.Put on the battery or plug unit into socket,the head of 8 LED light will flash and indicate the power has been connected,2 second later the device prepare for work. Long press the button A( refer to photo ) the yellow LED auto turn on and enter into the first working mode, after about 20 seconds into the alert mode, When the passive infrared probe to the target, trigger the first mode work(ultrasonic+alarm+falishing), work continued 30 seconds enter into the alert mode again.
2.You are choose different working mode according to different using environment,after the power turn on and long press the button A,press the button A to choose the working mode (yellow LED,green LED,red LED and flashing the red LED)
3. The conversion time of first three modes, need 10 seconds enter into the alert mode and the first three modes are all woking by the passive infrared. working cycle is about 30 seconds,
4.Long press the button A,turn off the power(turn off all LED),the device stop working.
1. The environment have long time nobody stay, please pull out the plug or take off the swith
2. Keep in mind the frequency waves will not travel through the furniture or other goods.Make sure to plug the unit into an outlet clear of surrounding object.
3.Try to avoid work long time in wet situation and prohibit use devoice dip in the water.
4.In order to make the device long time working,we suggest you use the adapter(DC 9V,600mA) if the environment allowed.
Packing︰Color neutral boxCertification︰CE,ROHS