镧钨电极 WLa (Lanthanum-Tungsten Electrode)
镧钨电极焊接性能优良,本产品在钨中添加1—2% La2O3的电极,电子逸出功在2.7-2.8ev,具有与钍钨电极最相近的性能。在中小电流使用时电弧性能和耐烧损性能比钍钨电极都有提高。
Lanthanum -Tungsten Electrode is well known for its good welding performance .It is the electrode added with 1-2% of La2O3.The power of its electronic transgression is 2.7-2.8ev ,bearing the closest features to those of the Thorium - Tungsten Electrode. Its arc features and burn spoilage endurance used with small and medium currents.
Lanthanum-Tungsten Electrode is the substitution product of thorium-tungsten electrode because of its non-radiation. Its other advantage is its endurance of high current and low burn spoilage rate.
牌号 Model | 掺杂质Intermingled materials | 掺杂量% Intermingled Quantity% | 其他掺杂量%Other Intermingled Quantity% | 钨 Tungsten | 色标 Color standard |
WL10 | La2O3 | 0.80-1.20 | <0.20 | 余量Remainder | 黑 Black |
WL15 | La2O3 | 1.30-1.70 | <0.20 | 余量Remainder | 金黄 Golden |
WL20 | La2O3 | 1.80-2.20 | <0.20 | 余量Remainder | 天蓝 Sky blue |
淄博迈科焊接器材有限公司 产品订购热线:400 - 002 - 0533
0533 - 6121070
询价热线:0533 - 2266511
传真:0533 - 6121070