白度 % ………………………………………………≥ 96.0
Tio2 含量 % …………………………………………≥ 95
105℃挥发份 %……………………………………… ≤ 0.5
遮盖力 ………………………………………………≥ 24
吸油量g/100g ……………………………………≤ 22
电阻率 Ω.cm ………………………………………≥ 80
水可溶物 % …………………………………………≤ 0.5
分散性(红魔) µm …………………………≤ 12
红金石含量 % …………………………………………≥ 97.0
R996在专业领域应用方面的独到之处: 1、目前国内通用型金红石质量档次最高的就是攀渝钛业生产的R298和四川龙蟒钛业生产的R996 2、在国产钛白粉中,如果以在乳胶漆中的分散性而论,龙蟒996名列前茅,与杜邦的R902基本无差异 3、R-996钛白粉,是国内品牌度最高、质量最优的产品,其产品特性为:白度好、易分散、高遮盖、超耐候; 4、四川龙蟒R996,此产品在色母粒行业的影响仅次于R248; 5、国产钛白粉R-996在PVC异型材中的应用:采用国产钛白粉R-996的异型材与用进口钛白粉90-2的型材物理机械性能和耐候性相当,有些性能指标甚至高于进口钛白粉。
Titanium dioxide, the R-996
The titanium dioxide R-996 is a rutile titanium dioxide. Titanium Dioxide R-996 has excellent pigment properties, such as titanium dioxide R-996 whiteness, brightness, gloss. In addition, titanium dioxide R-996, hiding power, tint strength and mobility, have excellent weathering resistance and anti-chalking properties. Titanium Dioxide R-996 is mainly used for powder coatings, waterborne and solvent topical coatings, high-grade masterbatch, plastic, rubber, inks, advanced paper and waxed paper and leather, decorative fabrics, cosmetics, and at the same time titanium dioxide R-996 for high-end interior paint , high solid content paint, road sign paint, special ship paint and ink, addition of titanium dioxide R-996 can also be used in the fields of plastics, rubber, paper and leather industries.
Quality ...................................................... titanium dioxide, R-996
Whiteness% ...................................................... ≥ 96.0 of
Tio2 content ................................................ ≥ 95
105 ℃ Volatile% ............................................. ≤ 0.5
Aqueous suspension liquid PH value ............................................. 6.5-8.5
Hiding ...................................................... ≥ 24
Suction g/100g .......................................... ≤ 22
Resistance rates Ω.cm ............................................. ≥ 80
Water soluble matter% ................................................ ≤ 0.5
Dispersion (Red Devils) μm .............................. ≤ 12
Red stone content ................................................ ≥ 97.0