ZX5-K系列 晶闸管整流弧焊机
◎ 采用晶闸管模块整流,具有电网电压波动自动补偿功能,电流稳定、电弧柔和、飞溅小;
◎ 具有电弧推力和引弧电流调节功能,引弧性能好,不易粘附焊条,焊接性能优良;
◎ 采用日本松下先进的焊机制造技术,高效节能,采用立绕、焊装新工艺,高负载持续率,更利于长时间工作,延长使用寿命;
◎ 电流调节范围宽,使用范围广,可用各种牌号的电焊条焊接低碳钢、中碳钢、合金钢、不锈钢等。
ZX5-315K/400K/500K/630K(Silicon Controllde Arc Welding Machine)
◎ Automatic grid compensation, adopt thyristor module, steady current, small splash
◎ Adjustable arc thrust, easy for arc starting, good quality.
◎ Suitable for welding low carbon steel,medium carbon steel,stainless steel etc.
◎ Energy saving of high efficiency, high duty cycle.
◎ Widely adjust current, Suitable for welding low carbon steel, medium carbon steel,low alloy steel,stainless steel etc.
主要技术参数Technical Parameter
产品型号Model |
ZX5-315K |
ZX5-400K |
ZX5-500K |
ZX5-630K |
额定输入电压Rated Input Voltage |
3~380V |
3~380V |
3~380V |
3~380V |
额定输入容量(KVA) Rated input power(KVA)
21 |
26 |
32 |
46 |
空载电压(V) Zero-load voltage(V) |
64 |
64 |
65 |
69 |
电流调节范围(A) Range of output current (A) |
30-315 |
30-400 |
30-500 |
60-630 |
额定负载持续率(%)Rated duty cycle (%) |
50 |
60 |
60 |
50 |
External Size L×W×H (mm) |
701×376×750 |
701×436×764 |
701×436×764 |
750×480×898 |
重量(Kg) Weight (Kg) |
122 |
150 |
153 |
180 |