Stay-Silv 15 | 15%圓型 | Φ 2.4 mm x 500 mm L. | 紙盒包裝/每11.34公斤 美国泰克罗伊、奥地利伯乐、德国伯乐、赫伯特HOBART、德国蒂森、德国Cor o dur、德国UTP、法国SAF、韩国现代、美国阿克泰克、美国哈里斯HARRIS、美国万能焊条、日本日亚焊条、日本神钢焊条、瑞典伊萨ESAB、瑞典阿维斯塔、瑞士奥利康、意大利TFA、英国曼切特条。 北京 重庆 上海 天津海焊 美国牛津 江苏省: 扬州、南京、徐州、连云港、宿迁、淮安、盐城、泰州、南通、镇江、常州、无锡、苏州。 辽宁省: 沈阳、大连、朝阳、阜新、铁岭、抚顺、本溪、辽阳、鞍山、丹东、营口、盘锦、锦州、葫芦岛。 山东省: 济南、骏焊 青岛、聊城、德州、东营、淄博、潍坊、烟台、威海、日照、临沂、枣庄、济宁、泰安、莱芜、滨州、菏泽。主要销售特种焊条焊丝,代理斯米克、司太立、天泰、电力、京雷、大西洋、金桥、大桥、等 陕西省: 西安、延安、铜川、渭南、咸阳、宝鸡、汉中、骏焊 ,榆林、商洛、 山西省: 太原、大同、朔州、阳泉、长治、晋城、忻州、吕梁、晋中、临汾、运城。 四川省: 成都 、广元、绵阳、德阳、南充、广安、遂宁、内江、乐山、自贡、泸州、宜宾、攀枝花、巴中、达州、资阳、眉山、雅安 。 云南省: 昆明、曲靖、玉溪、丽江、昭通、思茅、临沧、保山。 浙江省: 杭州、宁波 、湖州、嘉兴、舟山、绍兴、衢州、金华、台州、温州、丽水。 安徽: 合肥、宿州、淮北、阜阳、蚌埠、淮南、滁州、马鞍山、芜湖、铜陵、安庆、黄山、六安、巢湖、池州、宣城、亳州。 福建省: 厦门、福州、南平、三明、莆田、泉州、漳州、龙岩、宁德。 甘肃省: 兰州、嘉峪关、金昌、白银、天水、酒泉、庆阳、平凉、定西、陇南。 广东省: 广州、深圳、清远、韶关、河源、梅州、潮州、汕头、揭阳、汕尾、惠州、东莞、珠海、中山、江门、佛山、肇庆、云浮、阳江、茂名、湛江 贵州省: 贵阳、六盘水、遵义、安顺 黑龙江省: 哈尔滨 、齐齐哈尔、黑河、大庆、伊春、鹤岗、佳木斯、双鸭山、七台河、鸡西、牡丹江、绥化。 河南省: 郑州、开封、洛阳、平顶山、安阳、鹤壁、新乡、焦作、濮阳、许昌、漯河、三门峡、南阳、商丘、周口、驻马店、信阳 湖北省:武汉、十堰、襄樊、荆门、孝感、黄冈、鄂州、黄石、咸宁、荆州、宜昌、 湖南省:长沙、张家界、常德、益阳、岳阳、株洲、湘潭、衡阳、郴州、永州、邵阳、怀化、娄底。 吉林省:长春、吉林市、白城、松原、四平、辽源、通化、白山。 江西省: 南昌、九江、景德镇、鹰潭、新余、萍乡、赣州、上饶、抚州、宜春、吉安 青海省:西宁、格尔木、德令哈。 广西: 南宁、桂林、柳州、梧州、贵港、玉林、钦州、北海、防城港、崇左、百色、河池、来宾、贺州。 TGX-308L焊丝,R308LT1-5不锈钢药芯焊丝 不锈钢用药芯焊棒种类 ESAB 牌号 技术标准 熔敷金属力学性能 熔敷金属化学成分(%) SFA/AWS EN 屈服值 Mpa 抗拉强度 Mpa 延伸率% 冲击值 J C Si Mn Cr Ni 其它 手工焊条 OK 61.25 A5.4-9E308-15 EN 1600E 19 9 H B 22 430 600 45 20℃ 70 0.06 0.5 1.7 18.5 9.5 - OK 61.30 A5.4 E308L-17 EN 1600 E 19 9 L R 12 430 560 45 20℃ 70 0.03 0.8 0.7 19.5 10.0 - OK 61.35 A5.4 E308L-15 EN1600E 19 9 L B 2 2 460 580 45 +20℃ 100-120℃ 70-196℃ 45 0.03 0.4 1.7 19.5 10.5 - OK 61.41 A5.4 E308L-17 EN1600 E 19 9 L R 5 3 420 560 45 20℃ 65 0.03 0.7 0.8 19.5 10.0 - OK 61.50 A5.4-92 E308H-17 EN1600 E 19 9 H R 12 430 600 45 20℃ 60 0.05 0.8 0.8 20.0 10. - OK 61.80 A5.4-92 E347-17 EN 1600E 19 9 Nb R 12 500 630 40 +20℃ 60-80℃ 40 0.03 0.7 0.6 20.0 10.0 Nb 0.3 OK 61.81 A5.4 E347-16 EN1600 E 19 9 Nb R 3 2 560 700 32 +20℃ 60 0.06 0.6 1.6 20.0 10.0 Nb 0.7 OK 61.85 A5.4 E347-15 EN1600 E 19 9 Nb B 2 2 500 620 40 +20℃ 100-60℃ 70 0.05 0.5 1.7 19.5 10.0 Nb 0.5 OK 61.86 A5.4 E347-17 EN1600 E 19 9 Nb R 1 2 520 660 35 +20℃ 55 0.03 0.7 0.8 19.0 10.0 Nb 0.3 OK 63.20 A5.4 E316L-16 EN1600 E 19 12 3 L R 1 1 480 580 35 +20℃ 65-60℃ 45-120℃ 32 0.03 0.7 0.8 18.5 12.0 Mo2.8 OK 63.30 A5.4 E316L-17 EN1600 E 19 12 3 L R 1 2 460 570 40 +20℃ 60-125℃ 32 0.03 0.8 0.6 18.0 12.0 Mo2.8 OK 63.31 A5.4 E316L-17 EN1600 E 19 12 3 L R 3 2 460 570 38 +20℃ 60-125℃ 35 0.03 0.8 0.7 19.0 11.0 Mo2.8 OK 63.34 A5.4 E316L-16 EN1600 E 19 12 3 L R 11 440 600 40 +20℃ 65 0.03 0.8 0.8 18.5 12.0 Mo2.8 OK 63.35 A5.4 E316L-15 EN1600E 19 12 3 L B 2 2 460 600 35 +20℃ 95-120℃ 60-196℃ 35 0.03 0.5 1.7 18.5 12.6 Mo2.8 OK 63.41 A5.4 E316L-17 EN1600 E 19 12 3 L R 5 3 430 570 45 +20℃ 60 0.03 0.8 0.7 18.0 12.0 Mo2.8 OK 63.80 A5.4 E318-17 EN 1600E 19 12 3 Nb R 3 2 500 620 35 +20℃ 55 0.02 0.8 0.6 18.0 12.0 Mo2.8Nb0.3 OK 64.30 A5.4 E317L-17 EN1600 E 19 13 4 LR 3 2 480 600 30 +20℃ 45 0.03 0.7 0.7 19.0 13.0 Mo2.8 OK 67.13 A5.4 E310-16 EN 1600 E 25 20 R 12 560 600 35 +20℃ 60 0.1 0.5 1.9 26.0 21.0 - OK 67.15 A5.4 E310-15 EN 1600 E 25 20 B 22 410 590 35 +20℃ 100 0.1 0.3 2.0 26.0 20.0 - OK 67.20 A5.4 E309MoL-16 EN1600 E 23 12 2 LR 1 1 480 640 35 +20℃ 60 0.03 0.8 0.8 23.0 13.0 Mo2.9 OK 67.50 A5.4 E2209-17 EN 1600E 22 9 3 N L R 3 2 660 820 25 +20℃ 70 0.03 0.8 1.0 23.0 9.0 Mo3.0N0.15 OK 67.55 A5.4 E2209-15 EN 1600E 22 9 3 N L B 2 2 650 800 28 +20℃ 100-40℃ 75-60℃ 65 0.03 0.7 1.0 23.0 9.0 Mo3.0N0.15 OK 67.60 A5.4 E309L-17 EN 1600E 23 12 L R 3 2 470 580 32 +20℃ 50-10℃ 40 0.03 0.8 0.9 24.0 12.5 - OK 67.62 A5.4 E309-26 EN1600 E 23 12 R 7 3 450 570 40 +20℃ 60 0.05 0.8 0.6 24.0 12.5 - OK 67.66 A5.4 E309L-16 EN1600 E 23 23 L R 3 2 430 580 45 +20℃ 70 0.03 0.4 1.0 23.0 13.0 - OK 67.70 A5.4 E309MoL-17 EN1600 E 23 12 2 LR 3 2 510 620 33 +20℃ 50 0.03 0.8 0.6 23.0 13.0 Mo2.7 OK 67.75 A5.4 E309L-15 EN1600 E 23 12 L B 4 2 460 570 35 +20℃ 75-80℃ 55 0.03 0.3 0.2 24.0 13.0 Mo0.3 OK 68.15 A5.4 E410-15 EN1600 E 13 B 4 2 390 520 25 +20℃ 55 0.06 0.5 0.5 13.0 - - OK 68.17 A5.4 E410NiMo-16 EN 1600E 13 4 R 3 2 650 870 17 +20℃ 45-10℃ 45-40℃ 40 0.03 0.4 0.6 12.0 4.6 Mo0.6 OK 68.25 A5.4E410NiMo-15 EN 1600E 13 4 B 4 2 680 880 17 +20℃ 60-20℃ 53 0.03 0.4 0.6 12.5 4.5 Mo0.6 OK 68.60 EN 1600 E 25 4 R 3 2 660 800 15 +20℃ 30 0.05 1.1 1.2 26 5 Mo1.5N0.18 OK 68.81 A5.4 E312-17 EN1600 E 29 9 R 3 2 580 750 25 +20℃ 30 0.12 0.7 0.8 29.0 10.0 - OK 69.25 EN 1600E 20 16 3 Mn L B 4 2 450 650 30 +20℃ 90-196℃ 50 0.03 0.5 6.5 19.0 16.0 Mo3.0N0.15 OK 69.33 A5.4E385-16 EN 1600E 20 25 5 Cu N L R 3 2 400 575 35 +20℃ 80-140℃ 45 0.03 0.5 1.0 20.5 25.0 Mo5.0Cu1.5 OK61.20 E308L-16焊条 钛酸性焊条,用于焊接19Cr10Ni型,不锈钢和类似成份的钢种,特别适合焊接薄壁管,1.6-2.5mm的焊条能够用于包括立向下焊在内的全位置焊接 OK61.25 E308L-15焊条 碱性焊条,焊缝含碳量较高,用于石化企业的高温设备 OK61.30 E308L-17焊条 钛酸性焊条,交直流两用,引弧和再引弧容易,焊缝成形好,熔渣自动分离,用于焊接19Cr10Ni型钢及含有稳定化元素的成分类似钢种 OK61.35 E308L-15焊条 碱性焊条,立焊和仰焊性能好,焊缝在超低温下(-196℃)韧性好,用于焊接液化天然气结构 OK61.41 E308L-26焊条 钛酸型超低碳钢高效焊条,适合平焊和平角焊,用于焊接19Cr10Ni型钢及含有稳定化元素的成分类似钢种 OK61.50 E308H-17焊条 钛酸型焊条,用于焊接高温下适用的18Cr10Ni型非稳定化奥氏体钢 OK61.80 E347-17焊条 钛酸性含Nb不锈钢焊条,碳含量低用于焊接321和347钢在400℃以下具有抗晶间腐蚀性能 OK61.81 E347-16焊条 钛型含Nb不锈钢焊条,用于焊接TiNb的18Cr8Ni不锈钢,特别适合高温场合 OK61.85 E347-15焊条 含Nb碱性焊条,特别适合焊接含NbTi的不锈钢,立焊和仰焊性能好,适合管道焊接 OK61.86 E347-17焊条 钛酸性焊条,用于焊接含Nb、Ti的19Cr10Ni型不锈钢,铁素体量较低 OK62.53焊条 钛型焊条,用于高温场合,焊接抗氧化温度约1150℃,推荐用于 焊接Avesta253MA\UNS S30815等钢种 OK62.73焊条 酸性焊条熔敷金属为奥氏体+铁素体型,抗裂性好,适合焊接裂纹敏感性高的材料,也用于焊接5Cr-0.5Mo钢焊后不用热处理 OK62.75焊条 钛碱性焊条,熔敷金属为奥氏体+铁素体型,抗裂性好,适合焊接裂纹敏感性高的材料,装甲钢以及异种钢焊接、也用于焊接5Cr-0.5Mo钢,焊后不用热处理,在硬面堆焊中,用于焊接吸收应立的过渡层 OK63.20 E316L-16焊条 钛酸型焊条,用于焊接316L、18Cr12Ni3Mo型不锈钢,特别适合全位置焊接薄壁管、引弧和再引弧很容易 OK63.30 E316L-17焊条 钛酸性焊条,引弧和再引弧容易,焊缝成形好,渣自动分离,用于焊接18Cr12Ni3Mo型钢及含有稳定化元素的成分类似钢种 OK63.32 E308Mo-26焊条 钛型高效焊条,用于不锈钢,奥氏体锰钢与碳钢、低合金钢之间的异种钢焊接、也用于焊接装甲钢和不锈钢堆焊层 OK63.34 E316L-16焊条 钛酸性焊条,19Cr12Ni3Mo型,用于立向下焊接成分类似不锈钢,焊缝成形好,焊角过渡平滑、渣量少,脱渣好 OK63.41 E316L-26焊条 钛酸性高效焊条,18Cr12Ni-3Mo型,适合平焊、焊缝表面光滑、角焊缝轻微凹陷 OK63.35 E316L-15焊条 碱性焊条,立焊和仰焊性能好,抗裂性好,抗气孔能力强,用于焊接18Cr12Ni3Mo型钢,焊缝在超低温下(-196℃)韧性好,也适合焊接液化天然气结构 OK63.80 E318-17焊条 钛酸性焊条,用于焊接含Nb或Ti的18Cr12Ni23Mo型不锈钢 OK63.85 E318-15焊条 碱性焊条,焊缝含Nb,用于焊接成分类似的钢种 OK64.30 E317-17焊条 钛酸性焊条,交直流两用,全位置焊接,焊缝表面光滑,Mo含量高,抗酸腐蚀和抗点蚀性能优于316L,用于焊接19Cr13Ni3.5Mo型奥氏体不锈钢 OK64.63焊条 钛碱性焊条,熔敷金属为纯奥氏体组织、抗腐蚀性能很好,除立向下外的全位置焊接性能优越 OK67.13 E310-16焊条 钛碱性焊条,纯奥氏体焊缝,抗氧化温度为1100-1150℃,用于焊接25Cr20Ni型奥氏体不锈钢,也用于装甲钢等空冷淬硬钢和不锈钢于碳钢之间的异种钢焊接 OK67.15 E310-15焊条 碱性焊条,抗裂性好,用于焊接25Cr20Ni型不锈钢、装甲钢、奥氏体锰钢和异种钢 OK67.20焊条 钛酸性不锈钢焊条,用于不锈钢于碳钢和低合金钢之间的异种钢焊接,包括立向下在内的全位置焊性能良好 OK67.43 E307-16焊条 钛碱性焊条,交直流两用,熔敷金属含有少量均匀分布的铁素体,抗裂性能很好,适合焊接13Mn钢和这类钢于其他钢之间的异种钢焊接 OK67.45 E307-15焊条 碱性焊条,铁素体含量低于5%,抗裂型能好,适合焊接12-14%Mn钢和这种钢于其他钢之间的异种钢焊接,也适合硬面堆焊前的过渡层焊接 OK67.50 E2209-17焊条 钛酸型焊条,在300℃高温下具有良好的抗应力腐蚀性能,用于焊接铁素体-奥氏体双相不锈钢 OK67.51 E2209-26焊条 钛酸性高效不锈钢焊条,用于焊接双相不锈钢,如UNS S31803,也用于双相钢与CMn钢之间的异种钢焊接
种类 焊剂牌号 密度Kg/dm3 碱性度 配用焊丝牌号 熔敷金属力学性能 熔敷金属化学成分(%) 屈服值Mpa 抗拉强度Mpa 冲击值J C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo 埋弧焊剂 OK Flux 10.16 ≈1.2 2.4 OK Autrod 19.81 490 730 +20℃ 80-60℃ 75-196℃ 60 0.02 0.2 0.7 18.0 Bal. 16.0 OK Autrod 19.82 425 700 -140℃ 100-196℃ 80 0.01Fe2.0 0.3Nb3.5 0.3 21.0 Bal. 9.0 OK Autrod 19.85 360 600 +20℃ 140-196℃ 100 0.01Fe1.0 0.3 Nb2.3 3.2 19.0 Bal. 2.0 OK Flux 10.92 ≈1.0 1.0 OK Autrod 16.10 365 580 -60℃ 60 0.02 0.9 1.0 20.0 10.0 - OK Autrod 16.15 365 580 -60℃ 60 0.03 0.9 1.0 20.0 10.0 0.75 OK Autrod 16.21 470 640 -60℃ 55-110℃ 40 0.04 0.8 0.9 20.0 10.0 Nb0.5
不锈钢用焊条Z308铸铁焊条 符合 GB EZNi-1 相当 AWS ENi-C1 说明:Z308是纯镍焊芯、强还原性石墨型药皮的铸铁焊条,施焊时,焊件可不预热,具有良好的抗裂性能和加工性能。镍价格昂贵,应该在其它焊条不能满足时才可选用。交直流两用。 用途:用于铸铁薄件及加工面的补焊,如发动机座、机床导轨、齿轮座等重要灰口铸铁件。 熔敷金属化学成分(%) 化学成分 | C | Mn | Si | S | Ni | Fe | 其它元素总量 | 保证值 | ≤2.00 | ≤1.00 | ≤2.50 | ≤0.030 | ≥90 | ≤8 | ≤1.00 |
参考电流(AC、DC+) 焊条直径(mm) | φ2.5 | φ3.2 | φ4.0 | φ5.0 | 焊接电流(A) | 50~100 | 70~120 | 110~180 | 160~190 |
注意事项: 1.焊前焊条须经150℃左右烘焙1h。 2.可以通过锤击焊缝消除焊补区应力,避免裂纹。
上海斯米克焊条 【上海斯米克电焊条】简介
Category 类 别 | Trade- Mark 牌 号 | Equivalent to China Standard 相当国标 | Characteristics & application 特性和用途 | Equivalent to AWS 相当AWS |
Hard-surfacing 硬 面
| D 667 | EDZCr-B-15 | HRc≥48. Resistance to wear, gas corrosion and oxidation. Hardfacing of blast furnace hopper and cracker part. HRc≥48,耐磨、耐气蚀、抗氧化。堆焊高炉料钟、破碎机件 | | D 802 | EDCoCr-A-03 | HRc38-47. Resistance to heat, wear and corrosion. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as the edge of thermo-cutter. HRc38-47,耐热、耐蚀、耐磨。堆焊高温工件如热剪切刀刃 | ECoCr-A | D 812 | EDCoCr-B-03 | HRc45-50. Resistance to heat, wear and corrosion. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as internal-combustion engine valve. HRc45-50,耐热、耐蚀、耐磨。堆焊高温工件如内燃机阀 | ECoCr-B | D 822 | | HRc≥53. Resistance to Wear and heat, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of rotating blade wheel of boiler. HRc≥53,耐热、耐磨,但抗冲击性差。堆焊锅炉旋转叶轮 | | D 832 | EDCoCr-C-03 | HRc≥50. Wear and heat resistance. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as hot-rolling guided way. HRc≥50,耐热、耐磨。堆焊高温工件如热轧导轨 | ECoCr-C | D 842 | EDCoCr-D-03 | HRc28-38. Corrosion and thermo-fatigue resistance, work harding. Hardfacing of hot forging die. HRc28-38,耐蚀、抗热疲劳,具有加工硬化性。堆焊热锻模 | |
Cast iron
铁 | Z 308 | EZNi | Pure nickel, excellent general properties. Used to weld thin cast iron part and repair welding machined surface, such as guided way of machine tool. 纯镍,综合性能好。铸铁薄件及加工面补焊用,如机床导卫 | ENi-Cl | Z 408 | EZNiFe | Iron nickel, high strength and excellent ductility. Repair welding of important gray cast iron and nodular cast iron, such as cylinder cap. 镍铁,强度高、塑性好。重要灰铸铁及球铁焊补用,如汽缸盖 | ENiFe-Cl | Z 508 | EZNiCu-1 | Copper nickel, good machinability and bad crack resistance. Repair welding of sand hole and gray cast iron machined surface subject to no load. 镍铜,易加工,但抗裂性较差。不受力的灰铸铁加工面及砂眼补焊 | ENiCu-B |
Copper alloys
金 | Cu 107 | ECu | Red copper, atmosphere and sea water corrosion and excellent electric conductivity. Welding of red copper such as electrical copper row. 紫铜,耐大气,海水腐蚀,导电性好。紫铜焊接用,如导电铜排 | ECu | Cu 207 | ECuSi | Silicon bronze, corrosion resistance and high strength. Welding of copper, silicon bronze and brass. 硅青铜,耐蚀、强度高。铜、硅青铜及黄铜焊接用 | ECuSi | Cu 227 | ECuSnB | Tin phosphor bronze, corrosion resistance and high strength. Welding of copper, silicon bronze and brass. 锡磷青铜,耐蚀、强度高。铜、硅青铜及黄铜焊接用 | ECuSn-C | Cu 237 | ECuAl | Aluminum bronze, wear and corrosion and high strength. Welding or surfacing of copper alloys. 铝青铜,耐磨、耐蚀,强度高。铜合金焊接或堆焊用 | ECuAl-A2 |
Aluminum alloys
铝 合 金 | Al 109 | TAl | Pure aluminum, excellent corrosion resistance and middle strength. Welding of pure aluminum. 纯铝,耐蚀性好,但强度不高,纯铝焊接用 | E1100 | Al 209 | TAlSi | Silicon aluminum, good crack resistance and wide range of usage. Welding of aluminum alloys other than aluminum magnesium alloys. 铝硅,抗裂性好,通用性大。铝合金焊接用,不宜焊接铝镁合金 | E4043 | Al 309 | TAMn | Manganese aluminum, corrosion resistance and high strength. Welding of aluminum alloys. 铝锰,强度高,耐蚀。铝合金焊接用 | E3003 |
Nickel alloys 镍合金 | Ni 102 | ENi-1 | Pure nickel. Welding and surfacing of nickel and nickel to steel. 纯镍,用于镍、镍与钢的焊接与堆焊 | ENi-1 | Ni 207 | ENiCu-7 | Copper nickel. Welding and surfacing of copper nickel and copper nickel to steel. 镍铜,用于镍铜、镍铜与钢的焊接与堆焊 | ENiCu-7 |
Category 类 别 | Trade mark 牌 号 | Chemical composition 主要成份(%) | Characteristics & application 特性和用途 | Equivalent to AWS 相当AWS |
焊 | S 101 | C3 Cr28 Ni4 Si3.5 Fe Rem. | HRc48-54. Resistance to wear, gas corrosion and oxidation. Hardfacing of bucket tooth and case pump. HRc48-54,耐磨、耐气蚀、抗氧化。堆焊铲斗齿,泵套 | | S 111 | C1 Cr29 W5 Co Rem. | HRc38-47. Resistance to wear and corrosion at high-temperature. Hardfacing of high temperature and pressure valve. HRc38-47,高温下耐磨、耐蚀。堆焊高温高压阀门 | ECoCr-A | S 112 | C1.5 Cr29 W8 Co Rem. | HRc45-50. Resistance to wear and corrosion at high-temperature. Hardfacing of valve and hot-rolling pass. HRc45-50,高温下耐磨、耐蚀。堆焊阀门,热轧孔型 | ECoCr-B | S 113 | C2.5 Cr30 W17 Co Rem. | HRc≥55. Wear and heat resistance at high temperature, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of screw charging carriage. HRc≥55,高温下耐磨、耐热,但抗冲击性差。堆焊螺旋送料机用 | | S 114 | C2.5 Cr30 W12 Co Rem. | HRc≥53. Wear and heat resistance at high temperature, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of three-cone bit. HRc≥53,高温下耐磨、耐热,但抗冲击较差。堆焊牙轮钻头 | ECoCr-C |
Copper alloys
金 | S 201 | Sn1 Si0.3Mn0.3 Cu Rem. | Good mechanical properties and crack resistance. Gas welding and argon arc welding of red copper. 机械性能好,抗裂性好。紫铜气焊及氩弧焊用 | ERCu | S 211 | Si3 Mn1 Cu Rem. | Good mechanical properties. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and MIG brazing of steel. 机械性能好,铜合金氩弧焊及钢的MIG钎焊用 | ERCuSi-Al | S 212 | Sn5 Cu Rem. | Wear resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. 耐磨性好。铜合金氩弧焊及钢的堆焊用 | ERCuSn-A | S 213 | Sn8 Cu Rem. | Wear resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. 耐磨性好。铜合金氩弧焊及钢的堆焊用 | ERCuSn-C | S 214 | Al7.5 Cu Rem. | Wear and corrosion resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. 耐磨、耐蚀。铜合金氩弧焊及钢的堆焊用 | ERCuAl-A1 | S 215 | Al9 Cu Rem. | Wear and corrosion resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. 耐磨、耐蚀。铜合金氩弧焊及钢的堆焊用 | ERCuAl-A2 | S 221 | Cu60 Sn1 Si0.3 Zn Rem. | Melting point is about 890℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. 熔点约890℃。黄铜气焊及碳弧焊用,也可钎焊铜、钢、铸铁 | | S 221F | Cu60 Sn1 Si 0.3 Zn Rem. | S221 welding rod coated with flux. 外涂焊剂的S221焊丝 | | S 222 | Cu58Sn0.9Si0.1 Fe0.8 Zn Rem. | Melting point is about 880℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. 熔点约880℃。黄铜气焊及碳弧焊用,也可钎焊铜、钢、铸铁 | RBCuZn-C | S 222F | Cu58Sn0.9Si0.1 Fe0.8 Zn Rem. | S222 welding rod coated with flux. 外涂焊剂的S222焊丝 | RBCuZn-C | S 223 | Cu59 Sn0.6 Zn Rem. | Melting point is about 900℃. Braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. 熔点约900℃。铜、钢、铸铁钎焊用 | RBCuZn-A | S 224 | Cu62 Si0.5 Zn Rem. | Melting point is about 905℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. 熔点约905℃。黄铜气焊及碳弧焊用,也可钎焊铜、钢、铸铁 | | Copper alloys 铜
金 | S 225 | Cu48 Ni10 Zn Rem. | Melting point is about 935℃ and high strength. Braze welding of steel, nickel and carbide alloys. 熔点约935℃。高强度,钎焊钢、镍及硬质合金用 | RBCuZn-D | S 225F | Cu48 Ni10 Zn Rem. | S225 welding rod coated with flux. 外涂焊剂的S225焊丝 | RBCuZn-D | S 226 | Cu60 Sn0.3 Si0.2 Zn Rem. | Melting point is about 900℃. Gas welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. 熔点约900℃。黄铜气焊用,也可钎焊铜、钢、铸铁 | | S 227 | Cu58Sn0.9Ni0.5 Si0.1 Fe0.8 Zn Rem. | Melting point is about 880℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. 熔点880℃。黄铜气焊及碳弧焊用,也可钎焊铜、钢、铸铁 | RBCuZn-B | S 229 | Cu55 Ni6 Mn4 Zn余 | Melting point is about 920℃, high strength. Braze welding of steel, nickel and hard carbide. 熔点约920℃。高强度,钎焊钢、镍及硬质合金用 | | Aluminum alloys
金 | S 301 | Al≥99.5 | Good ductility and corrosion resistance. Gas welding and argon arc welding of pure aluminum. 塑性好、耐蚀。纯铝气焊、氩弧焊用 | ER1100 | S 311 | Si5 Al Rem. | Corrosion resistance, wide range of usage. Gas welding and argon arc welding of aluminum alloys other than high magnesium alloys. 抗裂性好,通用性大。铝合金气焊、氩弧焊用。不宜用高镁合金 | ER4043 | S 321 | Mn1.3 Al Rem. | Good corrosion resistance, weldability and ductility. Gas welding and argon arc welding of aluminum alloys. 良好的耐蚀性、可焊性及塑性。铝合金气焊、氩弧焊用 | | S 331 | Mg5 Mn0.4 Al Rem. | Corrosion resistance and high strength. Argon arc welding of aluminum alloys. 耐蚀,强度高。铝合金氩弧焊用 | ER5183 |
斯米克钎焊料分别有:(铜锌钎焊料) ,(铜磷银基钎焊料),(铝基钎焊料),(锡铅钎焊料),(镍基钎焊料).简介如下: Category 类 别 | Trade-mark 牌号 | Specification 规 格 | Melting Point 熔点(℃) | Chemical composition 主要成份(%) | Application 用 途
| Equivalent to AWS 相当AWS |
Copper zinc 铜锌 | L103 | Wire & rod 丝 | 885-888 | Cu54 Zn Rem. | Brazing of copper, bronze and steel, subjected to low load. 钎焊铜、青铜和钢等受力不大工件 | | L104 | Foil 箔 | 890-930 | Cu57 Mn2 Co2 Zn Rem. | Brazing of carbide cutting tool. 钎焊硬质合金刀具 | |
Copper phosphorus
铜磷 | L201 | Cast rod, wire & rod, powder 铸条、丝、粉 | 710-800 | P7 Cu Rem. | Brazing of copper and copper alloys. 钎焊铜及铜合金 | BCuP-2 | L204 | Cast rod, wire 铸条、丝 | 640-815 | P5 Ag15 Cu Rem. | Brazing of copper, copper alloys, silver and molybdenum etc. 钎焊铜及铜合金、银、钼等金属。 | BCuP-5 | L205 | Cast rod, wire & rod, powder 铸条、丝、箔 | 640-800 | P6 Ag5 Cu Rem. | Brazing of copper and copper alloys. 钎焊铜及铜合金 | BCuP-3 | L207 | Cast rod, wire & rod 铸条、丝 | 640-770 | P7 Ag5 Cu Rem. | Brazing of copper and copper alloys. 钎焊铜及铜合金 | BCuP-7 | L209 | Cast rod, wire 铸条、丝 | 684-710 | P7 Ag2 Cu Rem. | Brazing of copper and copper alloys. 钎焊铜及铜合金。 | BCuP-6 |
Silver base
银基 | L302 | Wire & rod 丝 | 745-775 | Ag25 Cu40 Zn Rem. | Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. 钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢等 | | L303 | Wire & rod 丝 | 660-725 | Ag45 Cu30 Zn余 | Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. 钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢等 | BAg-5 | L303F | Flux coated rod 涂药丝 | 660-725 | Ag45 Cu30 Zn Rem. | L303 coated with flux, the same application as L303. 外涂钎剂的L303,用途与L303相同 | BAg-5 | L304 | Foil 箔 | 690-775 | Ag50 Cu34 Zn Rem. | Brazing of copper, copper alloys and steel etc. 钎焊铜及铜合金、钢等 | BAg-6 | L308 | Wire & rod 丝 | 779-780 | Ag72 Cu Rem. | Brazing of copper and nickel under vacuum or reducing protective atmosphere. 铜和镍的真空或还原保护气氛钎焊 | BAg-8 | L312 | Wire & rod 丝 | 595-605 | Ag40.Cu.Zn.Cd | Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. 钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢等 | | L313 | Wire & rod 丝 | 625-635 | Ag50.Cu.Zn.Cd | Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. 钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢等 | BAg-1a | L321 | Wire & rod 丝 | 615-650 | Ag56.Cu.Zn.Sn | Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. 钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢等 | BAg-7 | L323 | Wire & rod 丝 | 665-755 | Ag30.Cu.Zn.Sn | Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. 钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢等 | | L325 | Wire & rod 丝 | 645-685 | Ag45.Cu.Zn.Sn | Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. 钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢等 | BAg-36 | L326 | Wire & rod 丝 | 650-720 | Ag38.Cu.Zn.Sn | Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. 钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢等 | BAg-34 |
Aluminum base 铝基 | L400 | Cast rod, wire & rod 铸条、丝 | 577-582 | Si11.5 Al Rem. | Brazing of aluminum and aluminum alloys. 铝及铝合金的钎焊 | BAlSi-4 | L401 | Cast rod 铸条 | 525-535 | Si5 Cu28 Al Rem. | Brazing of aluminum and aluminum alloys. 铝及铝合金的钎焊 | |
Tin lead 锡铅 | L600 | Wire & rod 丝 | 183-185 | Sn60 Sb≤0.8 Pb Rem. | Soldering of fusible metals and heat-treated part. 易熔金属及热处理件的钎焊 | 60Sn | L601 | Wire & rod 丝 | 183-227 | Sn18 Sb2 Pb Rem. | Soldering of copper, copper alloys and galvanized iron plain sheet. 铜及铜合金、镀锌铁皮的钎焊。 | 18Sn | L602 | Wire & rod 丝 | 183-256 | Sn30 Sb2 Pb Rem. | Soldering of copper, brass, copper alloys and galvanized iron plain sheet. 铜、黄铜、铁、镀锌铁皮的钎焊 | 30Sn | L603 | Wire & rod 丝 | 183-235 | Sn40 Sb2 Pb Rem. | Soldering of copper, copper alloys, steel and zinc parts. 铜及铜合金、钢、锌制零件的钎焊 | 40Sn | L604 | Wire & rod 丝 | 183-222 | Sn90 Sb≤0.15 Pb Rem. | Soldering of copper and steel for food and medicine field. 食品、医疗所需铜、钢等金属的钎焊 | 90Sn | L605 | Wire & rod 丝 | 232-240 | Ag5 Sn95 | Soldering of copper and steel for electrical and food field. 电器、食品所需铜、钢等金属的钎焊 | | L608 | Wire & rod 丝 | 295-305 | Sn5.5 Ag2.5 Pb Rem. | Soldering of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel. 铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢的钎焊 | | Nickel base 镍基 | L702 | Powder 粉 | 970-1000 | Cr7 B3 Si4 Ni Rem. | Brazing of stainless steel under vacuum or protective atmosphere. 不锈钢真空或保护气氛钎焊 | BNi-2 |
Category 类 别 | Trade-mark 牌 号 | Product name 名 称 | Characteristics & application 特性和用途 | Gas welding 气焊 | CJ301 | Copper gas welding flux 铜气焊熔剂 | Melting point is about 650℃, flux for gas welding and brazing of copper and copper alloys. 熔点约650℃,铜及铜合金气焊或钎焊的助熔剂 | CJ401 | Aluminum gas welding flux 铝气焊熔剂 | Melting point is about 560℃, flux for gas welding of aluminum and aluminum alloys. 熔点约560℃,铝及铝合金气焊的助熔剂 |
Silver brazing 银钎焊 | QJ101 | Silver brazing flux 银钎焊熔剂 | Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 550-750℃. 在550-750℃范围钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢的助熔剂 | QJ102 | Silver brazing flux 银钎焊熔剂 | Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 600-850℃. 在600-850℃范围钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢的助熔剂 | QJ102A | Silver brazing flux 银钎焊熔剂 | Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 600-850℃. Non agglomeration. 在600-850℃范围钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢。不易结块 | QJ112 | Silver brazing paste flux 膏状银钎焊熔剂 | Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 600-850℃. 在600-850℃范围钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢的助熔剂 | QJ103 | Silver brazing flux 银钎焊熔剂 | Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 550-750℃. 在550-750℃范围钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢的助熔剂 | Aluminum brazing 铝钎焊 | QJ201 | Aluminum brazing flux 铝钎焊熔剂 | Brazing flux of aluminum and aluminum alloys within 450-620℃. 在450-620℃范围钎焊铝及铝合金的助熔剂 | QJ207 | Aluminum brazing flux 铝钎焊熔剂 | Brazing flux of aluminum and aluminum alloys within 560-620℃. 在560-620℃范围钎焊铝及铝合金的助熔剂 |
Category 类 别 | Trade- mark 牌 号 | Chemical composition 化学成份(%) | Hardness 硬 度 | Application 用 途
| Oxy- Acetylene Flame spray- using 氧
焊 | F103 | Cr10 B1.5 Si3 Ni Rem. | HRc 25 | Spray-fusing of cast iron parts,, such as die for glass, cylinder, and guide. 铸铁件的喷焊,如玻璃模具,汽缸、导轨 | F101 | Cr10 B2.5 Si3 Ni Rem. | HRc 45 | Spray-fusing of parts resistance to wear and corrosion, such as valve, the rotator and piston of pump. 耐磨、耐蚀件的喷焊,如阀门、泵转子、泵柱塞 | F101Fe | Cr10 B2.5 Si3 Fe10 Ni Rem. | HRc 45 | Spray-fusing of corrosion-resistant parts, such as axle and stigma. 耐磨件的喷焊,如轴类、汽门 | F102 | Cr16 B4 Si4 Ni Rem. | HRc 60 | Spray-fusing of parts resistance to wear, corrosion and high temperature oxidation, such as die and piston. 耐磨、耐蚀、抗高温氧化工件的喷焊,如模具、柱塞 | F102Fe | Cr16 B4 Si4 Fe15 Ni Rem. | HRc 60 | Spray-fusing of corrosion-resistant parts, such as axle and cold die. 耐磨件的喷焊,如轴类、冷模具 | F105 | F102+50%WC | HRc 60 | Spray-fusing of parts resistance to grain-wear , such as guide plate, scraper and blade of fan. 抗磨粒磨损场合的喷焊,如导板、刮板、风机叶片 | F105Fe | F102Fe+35%WC | HRc 60 | Spray-fusing of parts resistance to grain-wear, such as guide plate, scraper and blade of fan. 抗磨粒磨损场合的喷焊,如导板、刮板、风机叶片 | F108 | F102+80%WC | HRc 60 | Spray-fusing of parts resistance to strong grain-wear and free machining, such as harrow teeth of dredger. 抗强烈磨粒磨损,无需加工场合的喷焊,如挖泥船耙齿 | F301 | Cr5 B4 Si4 Ni30 Fe Rem. | HRc 45 | Spray-fusing of vulnerable parts of agricultural machinery and mining machinery, such as gear and axletree. 农机,矿山机械易损件的喷焊,如齿轮,车轴 | Track iron powder 轨铁粉 | Cr5 B1.5 Si3 Ni30 Fe Rem. | HRc 28 | Repair spray-fusing of defects such as scratch and concavity of railroad track. 铁路钢轨擦伤、低塌等缺陷的修复喷焊 |
Oxy-acetylene flame spraying
氧 乙 炔 焰 喷 涂 | F111 | Cr5 B1.5 Si3 Ni30 Fe Rem. | HB 150 | Spraying of bearing and cutting parts etc. 轴承、切削件等的喷涂 | F113 | Cr10 B1.5 Si3 Ni Rem. | HB 250 | Spray-fusing or spraying, such as roll, piston and axle of wear and corrosion resistance. 喷涂亦可喷焊,如滚筒、柱塞、耐蚀耐磨轴等 | F313 | Cr15 B1.5 Fe Rem. | HB 250 | Spraying of dryer of papermaking and axle. 造纸烘缸、轴类的喷涂 | F314 | Cr18 Ni9 B1.5 Fe Rem. | HB 250 | Spraying of axle. 轴类喷涂 | F412 | Sn10 P0.3 Cu Rem. | HB 80 | Spraying of axle and bearing. 轴、轴承的喷涂 | F512 | 复合Al5Ni95 |
| Backing spray of transition layer between base and working layer. 喷涂层的基体与工作层之间过渡(打底)层用喷涂 |
PTA hardfacing 等 离 子 弧 喷 焊 | F221 | Cr26 W5 B0.7 Co Rem. | HRc 43 | PTA hardfacing of sealing surface of high temperature and high pressure valve and the edge of hot shearing tool. 高温高压阀门密封面、热剪切刃口的等离子喷焊 | F223 | Cr21 W5 B1.5 Co Rem. | HRc 40 | PTA hardfacing of parts resistance to wear and corrosion at high temperature, such as valve under high temperature and high pressure, and blower. 高温下耐磨耐蚀件的喷焊,如高温高压阀门、鼓风机 | F321 | Cr13 B1.5 Si1 Fe Rem. | HRc 45 | PTA hardfacing of corrosion-resistant parts under mid-temperature and mid-pressure, such as stop-plate etc. 中温中压阀门的闸板及其他耐磨件的等离子喷焊 | F322 | Cr23 Ni13 Si5 B1 Fe Rem. | HRc 40 | PTA hardfacing of corrosion-resistant parts under mid-temperature and mid-pressure, such as valve base etc. 中温中压阀门的阀座及其他耐磨件的等离子喷焊 | F422 | Sn10 P0.3 Cu Rem. | HB 80 | PTA hardfacing of axle and bearing etc. 轴、轴承等离子喷焊 |
类别 | 品名 | AWS型号 | 熔敷金属化学成分(%) | 熔敷金属力学性能 | 特征与用途 | C | Si | Mn | P | S | Ni | Cr | Mo | 其它 | σ0.2(MPa) | δb(MPa) | δ(%) | Akv(J) | 焊条 | NC-38 | E308-16 | 0.07 | 0.35 | 1.69 | 0.023 | 0.002 | 9.58 | 20.49 | | | 410 | 600 | 46 | -0℃:74 | 用于对接焊及角焊,适于焊接SUS304钢 | NC-38L | E308L-16 | 0.034 | 0.33 | 1.42 | 0.022 | 0.006 | 9.57 | 20.07 | | | 410 | 580 | 48 | 0℃:78 | 用于对接焊及角焊,与NC-38相比,NC-38L含碳量较低,适于焊接SUS304L钢 | NC-39 | E309-16 | 0.08 | 0.53 | 1.50 | 0.020 | 0.003 | 12.72 | 23.97 | | | 410 | 590 | 39 | 0℃:62 | 用于不锈钢与其它钢的异种钢焊接和复合刚过渡层焊接 | NC-39L | E309L-16 | 0.030 | 0.60 | 1.50 | 0.020 | 0.005 | 12.50 | 23.13 | | | 410 | 560 | 42 | 0℃:67 | 用于不锈钢与其它钢的异种钢焊接和复合钢过层焊接,与NC-39相比,NC-39L的含碳量较低 | NC-39MoL | E309MoL-16 | 0.029 | 0.51 | 1.28 | 0.024 | 0.005 | 12.65 | 23.08 | 2.29 | | 450 | 630 | 41 | 0℃:65 | 用于不锈钢与其它钢的异种钢焊接和复合钢过渡层焊接,与NC-39相比,NC-39MoL含碳量较低 | NC-36L | E316L-16 | 0.023 | 0.57 | 1.56 | 0.025 | 0.003 | 12.17 | 18.68 | 2.20 | | 420 | 580 | 45 | 0℃:83 | 用于对接焊及角焊,适于焊接SUS316L钢,与NC-36相比,NC-36L含碳量较低 | NC-38LT | E308L-16 | 0.034 | 0.38 | 2.12 | 0.022 | 0.002 | 10.89 | 18.36 | | | 370 | 540 | 51 | -196℃:52 | 用于焊接深冷温度下使用的18%Cr-8%Ni不锈钢,烘干: 150-200℃×0.5-1h | NC-36LT | E316L-16 | 0.030 | 0.52 | 2.02 | 0.021 | 0.003 | 13.06 | 17.28 | 2.25 | | 390 | 530 | 44 | -196℃:40 | 用于焊接深冷温度下使用的18%Cr-12%Ni-2%Mo不锈钢,烘干:150-200℃×0.5-1h | NC-317L | E317L-16 | 0.030 | 0.50 | 1.17 | 0.027 | 0.004 | 13.28 | 19.11 | 3.50 | | 440 | 600 | 39 | | 用于焊接19%Cr-13%Ni-3%Mo超低碳不锈钢,烘干:150-200℃×0.5-1h | NC-37 | E347-16 | 0.060 | 0.60 | 1.66 | 0.018 | 0.002 | 9.82 | 20.22 | | Nb:0.67 | 470 | 670 | 34 | | 用于焊接18%Cr-8%Ni-Nb不锈钢 | CR-40 | E410-16 | 0.08 | 0.47 | 0.28 | 0.020 | 0.006 | | 12.83 | | | 290 | 510 | 33 | | 用于焊接13%Cr马氏体不锈钢,烘干:300-350℃×0.5-1h | CR-43 | E430-16 | 0.09 | 0.60 | 0.27 | 0.021 | 0.003 | | 17.65 | | | 300 | 560 | 24 | | 用于焊接17%Cr不锈钢,烘干:300-350℃×0.5-1h
类别 | 品名 | AWS型号 | 熔敷金属化学成分(%) | 熔敷金属力学性能 | 特征与用途 | C | Si | Mn | P | S | Ni | Cr | Mo | Cu | Nb+Ta | σ0.2(MPa) | δb(MPa) | δ(%) | Akv(J) | 药芯焊棒 | TGX-316L | R316LT1-5 | 0.016 | 0.87 | 1.55 | 0.023 | 0.004 | 12.47 | 18.89 | 2.32 | 0.03 | | 440 | 600 | 38 | 0℃:110 | 用于单面TIG焊的根部焊道,无需背面保护,适用于焊接SUS316和SUS316L钢 | TGX-347 | R347T1-5 | 0.020 | 0.80 | 1.60 | 0.021 | 0.004 | 10.21 | 19.09 | 0.02 | 0.03 | 0.66 | 460 | 630 | 48 | 0℃:130 | 用于单面TIG焊的根部焊道,无需背面保护,适用于焊接SUS347和SUS321钢 | TGX-308L | R308LT1-5 | 0.018 | 0.80 | 1.66 | 0.023 | 0.005 | 10.31 | 19.62 | 0.02 | 0.03 | | 450 | 620 | 47 | -196℃:60 | 用于单面TIG焊的根部焊道,无需背面保护,适用于焊接SUS304和SUS304L钢 | TGX-309L | R309LT1-5 | 0.017 | 0.81 | 1.52 | 0.022 | 0.006 | 12.62 | 24.26 | 0.02 | 0.03 | | 530 | 680 | 32 | | 用于单面TIG焊的根部焊道,无需背面保护,适用于奥氏体钢与铁素体钢的异种钢焊接
焊接法 | 产品名称 | 相当规格 | 规格 | 熔敷金属物理性能之一例 | 熔敷金属化学成份之一例(Wt%) | 主要用途 | 抗拉强度 | 屈服强度 | 延伸度 | 冲击值 | C | Si | Mn | Ti | 其它 | GB | JIS | AWS | MPa | MPa | % | J(℃) | | JM-49 | ER-49-1 | - | - | 0.8-1.6 | 565 | 450 | 26 | 90(常温) | 0.07 | 0.6 | 1.42 | | | 适合结构焊接,抗氧化锈皮能力稍强气孔敏感性较小,可做全位置焊接。 | | JM-52 | ER50-2 | - | ER70S-2 | 0.9-1.2 | 570 | 480 | 26 | 95(-30) | 0.06 | 0.46 | 0.85 | 0.05 | Zr:0.01 A1:0.02 | 适合管件全位置打底焊接,含Ti、AL、Zr等元素,有优越的力学性能。 | | JM-53 | ER50-3 | YGW16 | ER70S-3 | 0.9-1.2 | 558 | 470 | 28 | 90(-18) | 0.08 | 0.36 | 0.74 | | | 适合焊接板金等薄板工件需焊道平顺精致的高速焊接场合。 | | JM-54 | ER50-4 | YGW12 | ER70S-4 | 0.8-1.6 | 549 | 460 | 32 | 74(-20) | 0.09 | 0.7 | 1.06 | | | 适合焊接板金等薄板高速焊接及一般结构物,可做全位置焊接。 | | JM-56 | ER50-6 | YGW12 | ER70S-6 | 0.8-2.0 | 555 | 430 | 29 | 69(-29) | 0.08 | 0.6 | 1.13 | | | 适合结构物焊接,抗氧化锈皮能力稍强,气孔敏感性较小,可做全位置焊接。 | GMWA熔化极 | JM-70 | ER50-6 | YGW12 | ER70S-6 | 0.8-2.0 | 550 | 425 | 28 | 61(-29) | 0.08 | 0.6 | 1.1 | | A1:0.006 | 适合结构物焊接,抗氧化锈皮能力稍强,气孔敏感性较小,可做全位置焊接。 | 气体保护焊 | JM-57 | ER50-7 | - | ER70S-7 | 0.8-1.6 | 545 | 480 | 29 | 61(-29) | 0.06 | 0.54 | 1.25 | | | 适合结构物焊接,抗氧化锈皮能力稍强,气孔敏感性小,可做全位置焊接。 | | JM-58 | ER50-G | YGW11 | ER70S-G | 1.0-1.6 | 580 | 490 | 29 | 120(-20) | 0.1 | 0.57 | 1.26 | 适量 | | 适合焊接集装箱、建筑等镀锌钢板,耐气孔性佳,火花飞溅小可做全位置焊接。 | | JM-60 | ER55-D2Ti | YGW21 | ER80S-G | 0.8-1.6 | 650 | 560 | 26 | 62(-29) | 0.08 | 0.61 | 1.44 | 适量 | Mo:0.37 | 适合高电流焊接,含适量合金可使飞溅减少,细化晶粒,增加冲击韧性。 | | JM-68 | ER55-G | - | ER80S-G | 1.0-1.6 | 1.0-1.6 | 643 | 605 | 24 | 130(-29) | 0.07 | 0.58 | 1.76 | 0.12 | 适合55~60Kg级高强度钢焊接,如桥梁、压力容器、建筑等。 | | JM-100 | ER69-1 | - | ER100S-1 | 0.8-1.6 | 700 | 615 | 20 | 78(-51) | 0.04 | 0.33 | 1.34 | | Ni:0.67 Mo:0.38 | MIG焊丝,用于船体结构的焊接,也适用于Rel大于590Mpa级高强度重要结构钢焊接。 | | JM-100C | ER69-3 | - | ER100S-G | 0.8-1.6 | 720 | 615 | 25 | 95(-20) | 0.09 | 0.54 | 1.63 | | Ni:1.88 Mo:0.46 | 用于高强度煤矿液压支架的焊接,也适用于Rel大于690Mpa级高强度重要结构钢焊接。 | | JM-110 | ER76-G | - | ER110S-G | 0.8-1.6 | 820 | 760 | 20 | 82(-50) | 0.08 | 0.42 | 1.3 | Cr:0.23 | | 适用军用钢的焊接,如造船、石油化学、核能电厂等高压设备管件对接及角焊。 |
H13CrMoA焊丝,上海电力牌焊丝 英国METRODE镍基合金焊接材料 | | 【海焊公司为以下产品的中国总代理】 “质量第一·信誉第一” 曼彻特拥有完整的优质镍基合金焊接材料系列,充分满足大量高精尖工业制造的需求。本系列焊接材料的设计成分优化了产品的焊接工艺和焊缝金属的使用性能,广泛适用于高温、高腐蚀及超低温的使用环境以及异种材料接头的焊接。 曼彻特镍基合金焊接材料所适用的母材不但包括所以著名的专用合金,诸如Inconels,Incloys,Hastelloys,Nicrofers;而且还包括一些新近开发的合金,如617和59类合金等;本节还包括一些适合有色金属的焊接材料,如纯镍、铜镍和蒙乃尔合金等,下表列出了手工电弧焊条,用于TIG,MIG和埋弧焊接的实芯焊丝。
| | 182类合金焊接材料 | 产品牌号 | 焊接方法 | 产品数据 | AWS | DIN | - 适用于镍基材料,如600类合金的焊接
- 也常用于镍基材料,不锈钢和低合金钢之间的异种接头的焊接
| NIMROD 132KS | MMA | 10-03C | ENiCrFe-1 | - | NIMROD 182KS | MMA | 10-03A | ENiCrFe-3 | EL-NiCr15FeMn | NIMROD 182 | MMA | 10-03A | ENiCrFe-3 | EL-NiCr15FeMn | NIMAX 182 | MMA | 10-03B | ENiCrFe-3 | EL-NiCr15FeMn | NIMROD NC19Nb | MMA | 10 | - | EL-NiCr19Nb | 20.70.Nb | TIG/MIG/SA | 15-06A | ERNiCr3 | SG-NiCr20Nb | NiCr | Flux | 17-06C | - | - | | AB类合金焊接材料 | NIMROD AKS | MMA | 10-04A | ENiCrFe-2 | EL-NiCr15MoNb | - 使用范围与182类焊材相似
- 与182类焊材相比,其焊缝在600°C以上具有更好的高温性能
| NIMROD AB | MMA | 10-04A | ENiCrFe-2/4 | EL-NiCr15MoNb | NIMAX A | MMA | 10-04B | ENiCrFe-2 | EL-NiCr15MoNb | 20.70.Nb | TIG/MIG/SA | 15-06A | ERNiCr-3 | SG-NiCr20Nb | NiCr | Flux | 17-06C | - | - | | 625类合金焊接材料 | NIMROD 625KS | MMA | 10-05A | ENiCrMo-3 | EL-NiCr20Mo9Nb | - 焊缝金属具有优良的综合机械性能和耐腐蚀性能
- 适用于相应的625类合金
- 同时也适用于其他高温合金,如601,800等合金
- 721类焊材适用于6%Mo,825及28合金的焊接
| NIMROD 625 | MMA | 10-05A | ENiCrMo-3 | EL-NiCr20Mo9Nb | 62-50 | TIG/MIG/SA | 15-06B | ERNiCrMo-3 | SG-NiCr21Mo9Nb | NIMROD 721KS | MMA | 10-05E | - | - | 72-10 | TIG/MIG/SA | 15-06N | - | - | | C类合金焊接材料 | NIMROD C276 | MMA | 10-07A1 | ENiCrMo-4 | EL-NiMo15Cr15EW | - 适用于大多数腐蚀环境
- 含22%Cr的59合金具有优良的耐腐蚀性能
- NIMROD C和 C焊条主要用于堆焊,如热作模具的堆焊等
- KS型焊条特别适合固定位置管道的焊接
| NIMROD C276KS | MMA | 10-07A2 | ENiCrMo-4 | EL-NiMo15Cr15W | HAS C276 | TIG | 15-06E | ERNiCrMo-4 | SG-NiMo16Cr16W | NIMROD C4KS | MMA | 10-07C | ENiCrMo-7 | EL-NiMo15Cr15Ti | HAS C4 | TIG | 15-06H | ERNiCrMo-7 | SG-NiMo16Cr16Ti | NIMROD 59KS | MMA | 10-07F | ENiCrMo-13 | EL-NiCr22Mo16 | HAS 59 | TIG | 15-06J | ERNiCrMo-13 | SG-Ni23Mo16 | NIMROD C | MMA | 10 | ENiCrMo-5 |
合金 | 板材 | 棒材 | 焊条 | 焊丝 | 无缝管 | 焊接管 | 管件 | 锻件 | Hastelloy B-3( N10675 ) | SB333 B333 | SB335 B335 | ENiMo-10 | ERNiMo-10 | SB622 B622 | SB619/B619 SB626/B626 | SB366 B366 | SB564 B564 | Hastelloy C-276 (N10276) | SB575 B575 | SB574 B574 | ENiCrMo-4 | ERNiCrMo-4 | SB622 B622 | SB619/B619 SB626/B626 | SB366 B366 | SB564 B564 | Hastelloy C-22 (N06022) | SB575 B575 | SB574 B574 | ENiCrMo-10 | ERNiCrMo-10 | SB622 B622 | SB619/B619 SB626/B626 | SB366 B366 | SB564 B564 | Hastelloy C-2000 (N06200) | SB575 B575 | SB574 B574 | ENiCrMo-17 | ERNiCrMo-17 | SB622 B622 | SB619/B619 SB626/B626 | SB366 B366 | SB564 B564 | Hastelloy D-205 | | | | | | | | | Hastelloy G-30 (N06030) | SB582 B582 | SB581 B581 | ENiCrMo-11 | ERNiCrMo-11 | SB622 B622 | SB619/B619 SB626/B626 | SB366 B366 | SB564 B564 | Hastelloy G-35 (N06035) | B575 | B574 | | | B622 | B619 B626 | B366 | B462 | ULTIMET (R31233) | B818 | B815 | | | | | | | Hastelloy B (N10001) | SB333 B333 | SB335 B335 | ENiMo-10 | | | | | | Hastelloy X (N06002) | SB435 B435 AMS5536 | SB572 B572 AMS 5754 | ENiCrMo-2 | ERNiCrMo-2 | SB622 B622 | SB619/B619 | B366 | AMS 5754 | Haynes 25 (R30605) | AMS 5537 | AMS5759 | AMS5797 | AMS5796 | | B619/B626 | | AMS5759 | Haynes HR-120 (N08120) | AMS5619 SB409 B409 | SB408 B408 | | | SB407 B407 | SB514/B514 SB515/B515 | SB366 B366 | SB564 B564 | Haynes HR-160 (N12160) | SB435 B435 | SB572 B572 | | | SB622 B622 | SB619/B619 SB626/B626 | SB366 B366 | SB564 B564 | Haynes 188( R30188 ) | AMS5608 | AMS5772 | | AMS5801 | | | | AMS5772 | Haynes 214 (N07041) | | | | | | | | | Haynes 230 (N06230) | SB435 B435 AMS5878 | SB572 B572 AMS5891 | | | SB622/B622 | SB619/B619 SB626/B626 | SB366 B366 | SB564 B564 AMS 5891 | Haynes 230-W (N06231) | | | | ERNiCrWMo-1 AMS5839 | | | | | Haynes 242 (N10242) | SB434 B434 | SB573 B573 | | | SB622 | SB619/B619 B626 | B366 | SB564 B564 | Haynes 556 (R30556) | SB435 B435 AMS5874 | SB572 B572 AMS5877 | | ER3556 AMS5831 | SB622/B622 | SB619/B619 SB626/B626 | SB366 B366 | AMS5877 | Haynes 625 (N06625) | SB443 B443 AMS5666 | SB446 B446 AMS5599 | | ERNiCrMo-3 AMS5837 | AMS5581 SB444/B444 | AMS5881 SB704/B704 SB705/B705 | SB366 B366 | AMS5666 | Haynes 718 (N07718) | AMS5596 AMS5597 | AMS5662 AMS5664 SB637 B637 | | ERNiCrFeCr-2 AMS 5832 | AMS5589 AMS5590 | | | AMS5662 AMS5664 | B =执行标准 ASTM SB = 执行标准 ASME 焊丝焊条为 AWS 标准 AMS 为 SAE 标准 |
1N12 | ENICrMo-3 | 1N12 | 用于焊接镍铬钼合金,如625 800 801 825 600 | 8N12 | ENICrFe-3 | 8N12H | 用于镍铬钼合金自身的焊接,钢及碳钢的焊接 | 4N1A | ENICrFe-2 | 4N1A | 用于奥氏体钢,铁素体钢和高镍合金各种类型的焊接,也可用于9%镍合金的焊接 | 9N10 | ENiCu-7 | 9N10 | 主要用于镍钢合金自身的焊接以及它们和钢之间的焊接 | 352 | ENICrFe-7 | N/A | 焊接镍铬铁合金690(UNS N06690)自身 | C-276 | ENICrMo-4 | N/A | 焊接C-276合金自身以及大多数其它镍基合金 | 617 | ENICrCoMo-1 | N/A | 焊接镍铬钴钼合金以及焊接各种不同的高温合金