台州市文鼎休闲用品有限公司是一家专业生产旅游、休闲和家居用品的企业。公司技术力量雄厚,生产设备先进,是集开发、生产、销售为一体的专业生产厂家。公司的主要产品有:塑料折叠桌、铝合金折叠桌、木制折叠桌、休闲桌、多功能折叠桌、展业桌、广告桌等休闲用品系列。产品推出市场以来,深受客商的青睐,远销欧美、东南亚等国家和地区。 本公司坚持“高质量是本公司的最大的回报,客户满意是本公司的服务宗旨”,坚持“保证质量、薄利多销、诚信经营”的经营策略。愿与社会各界挚诚合作,欢迎海内外客商来电来函,洽谈业务、携手并进创造更辉煌业绩。
Taizhou WenDing Leisure Product Co., Ltd. is lolocated in Huangyan,the land of Mould of China,which is very near to the East ChinaSea.It is dedicated to produce tourist commodities, leisure productsand household commodities. With its strong technical force andadvanced manufacturing equipment, the company is capable of productdevelopment, manufacturing and sales as a professional manufacturer.The main products of company includes plastic folding table andchairs, aluminum folding table and chairs , wooden folding table andchairs, leisure table, multi-function folding table, exhibitiontables and advertising tables and other recreational product series.The products have been deeply favored by clients since the launch;the products are sold to countries and regions in Europe, America,and Southeast Asia.The company insists that "High quality is our biggest return,customer satisfaction is our service principle", and adheres to thebusiness strategy of "quality assurance, small profits and quickreturns, credible operation". Welcome to contact us by phone or byemail, as we sincerely wish to cooperate with all enterprises andorganizations and we will achieve bigger success together.