
本公司专营各种家具配件用品. 公司以不断创新、品质第一、不断追求、合理完美的质量方针为指导,引进欧美市场新款式,所生产出来的产品用料精良,选材严格、工艺考究、深受客户的一致好评 . 产品形成八大系列数百品种,产品远销,欧美、新加坡、东南亚各国、港台等地 。为适应市场竞争和产品的更新换代,我公司除不断开发创新外,遵循以诚待人,质优价廉的原则,并可根据客户提供的要求和规格进行生产加工。
欧特斯宗旨 “ 用一流的技术生产一流的产品,提供一流的服务 ” 我们的生产工厂的产品严格按照ISO9001质量体系认证的要求进行规范,我们的企业坚持以诚信,务实,客户至上的经营为理念,期待各位客户的大力支持和指导,我们将热忱的为您服务。
OTES is a professional manufacturer with a set of standardized manufacturing equipment and humanized management. Sticking to the company motto “Quality and Reputation First, All for Customer”, we have rapidly entered both domestic and overseas markets since the establishment in 2003. OTES products are welcomed by consumers and the furniture hardware industry.
We shall make continuous efforts in cooperation with customers and promote mutual development.