HL2007卷轴式天棚帘:Rolling Sunshade
Product Introduction: material is unknit, pack is completely in shaft, let the light of roof and completely is a concise and lively adornment effect. Scroll type of institution installed in horizontal curtain wall or on both sides of the framework, usually without glass roof, roof support among structure. it is the good choice for family, office, hotel, school and commercial buildings ect.
FSS电动天棚帘 FSS Electric Sunshade
1、 采用亨丽系列或法国尚飞系列交流管状电机驱动,噪音小,负载能力强,运行平稳,
2、 弹簧张力系统,面料运行或静止时保持张紧状态,FSS天棚帘为单开模式,面料展开时会稍有下垂,面积较大时,采用钢丝绳导向。
3、 单幅最大长度6米,最大幅宽3.5米,最大应用面积12平方米
4、 面料平整,装饰效果简洁明快,可做成水平、弧形、倾斜形式的安装面。
5、 配置各种不同类型的布料以达到不同遮阳效果。
Product characteristics:
1, The product adopts hengli series in china or SOMFY series in France, the noise is small, load ability, smooth operation.
2, spring tension systems, fabric running or static state, keep tensioner FSS ceiling for single open mode, curtain fabric when launched a larger area, ptosis, when using rope.
3 , 6 meters, singles maximum length, breadth of 3.5 m's biggest application area of 12 square metre
4, fabrics, adornment effect is concise and lively, can make level, curved surface, sloping forms of installation.
5,configuration of different types of cloth to achieve different shading effect.