本公司为了满足及工矿企业室内外移动照明需要,最新开发生产6301手提式防爆探照灯,经国家机构防爆认证,可在各种易燃易爆场所及水下安全工作。6301 Portable explosion-proof search light is newly designed to meet the indoors and outdoors mobile lighting reauirement for army and factory etc.It has got the authentication of national explosive-proof authority,and can work in kinds of explosive,inflammable plasces and underwater environment.二、性能特点:安全性能:本产品经国家机构防爆认证,完全按照国家防爆标准生产。具有隔爆型最高防爆 等级,可在各种易燃易爆场所安全工作。工作性能: 特制高色温灯泡寿命长,耗能少,聚光柔和(可用于交通事故和刑事侦察现场摄影及各种痕迹、指纹拍照);强光光通量1200Lm射程达600米,连续工作时间可达1.5小时;工作光光通量600Lm,
连续工作时间不少于3.5小时。综合性能: 高能无记忆电池容量大,无污染,充电性能优异,自放电率低;具有深度替水能力, 可在200
米水下长时间工作。外壳采用进口高硬度合金材料,具有极佳的抗强力碰撞和抗冲击能力。智能保护:智能型充电器设有保护电路,防误操作装置,不用时可将开关锁死,正常使用时,后 盖自动锁定。便捷性: 采用脉冲调光技术,强光、工作光随意转换;可采用手提、肩挎等携带方式,外形美观轻巧灵活Security property:This product has got the authentication of national explosive-proof authority.With
flameproof type highest explosive-proof grade and good effect of anti-static,it can work in kinds of explosive and inflammable places.Working performance:Light source adopts special htgh temperatur LED with energy-consuming less,soft
spotlight. For strong light,luminous flux is 1200Lm,projecting distance is 600m and continuous working
time is 1.5 hour.While for working light,luminous flux is 600Lm,and its lighting duration of consecutive is not less than 3.5 hours.Comprehensive function:High-energy and memory-free battery has a large capacity,a long service life,no
pollution,low self-discharge rate.It can work long time underwater 200m.Enclosure applied with high hardness alloy prevent strking and collision.Intellectual protection:Intellectual charger is installed protective circuit in case of mal-operation.Loce up the switch when not in use.Self-lock back cover when normally use.Convenience:Adopt pulse adjusting light technology,strong light and working light can change easily.Portable,worn across shoulder carrying ways are available with aesthetic appearance.三、主要技术参数 Main technical parame1、额定电压:12V 1、Rated voltage:12V
2、额定容量:2.8Ah 2、Rated capacity:2.8Ah
3、光源: 3、Bulb:
强光电流:1.7A Strong light current:1.7A
工作光电流:0.5A Working light current:0.5A
强光光通量:1200lm Strong light luminous flux:1200lm
作光光通量:600lm Working light luminous flux:600lm
平均使用寿命:1200h Average service life:1200h
4、放电时间: 4、Discharging time:
强光:1.5h Strong light:1.5h
工作光:3.5h Working light:3.5h
5、充电时间:8-10h 5、Charging time:8-10h
6、电池使用寿命:约1000次循环 6、The service life of battery:about 1000 cycles
7、外形尺寸: 7、Dimensions:
外径:69mm Outside diameter:69mm
长度:198mm Length:198mm
8、重量:1.3Kg 8、Weight:1.3Kg
四、品质保证Guarantee of quality
防爆标志:Exd II Ct6
外壳防护等级:IP68The quality guarantee of this product is 3 years,during which,any fault occurs under normal operation condition,we take the responsibility of the maintenance for free.The quality guarantee of the bulb is 6 months.
Applicable scope:Zone 1 Zone 2
Ex-mark:Exd II Ct6