海绵物理性能测试 ASTM D3574
ASTM D 3574-2008
密度 Density | Test A |
压缩率的压缩应力 Indentation force deflection test-specified deflection(IFD) | Test B1 |
支撑因子 support factor |
应力的压缩厚度 Indentation residual gape load test—specified force(IRGL) | Test B2 |
压缩强度 Compression force deflection test | Test C |
(定压缩比)压缩永久变形 Constant deflection compression set test | Test D |
拉伸强度 Tensile strength | Test E |
断裂伸长率 Ultimate Elongation |
撕裂性能 Tear resistance | Test F |
落球回弹 Resilience test (ball rebound) | Test H |
恒定变形的静态压力损失 Static force loss test at constant deflection | Test I1 |
热老化 Dry heat aging | Test K |
湿热老化 Wet heat aging | Test L |
例如BS5852、CA117、BS7176、BS7177、CFR1633、TB133。BIFMA5.1-5.7、EN747、BS EN12520/1、BS581。甲醛、铅、镉、6P、偶氮、重金属,ROHS、VOC、DMF、REACH等等…
Darren黎冠 (营业主任)
传真:+86 769 8111 9009
电话:+86 769 8111 9888(8637)
手机:+86 13790591691
Hong Kong 香港| Dongguan东莞|Shanghai上海|Shenzhen深圳|Guangzhou广州
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