SY630-ZYTF抗干扰型打印式检针器 SY630-ZYTF抗干扰型打印式检针器,是我厂在SY630-ZYTT型检针器的基础上最新开发的高强磁﹑高灵敏度产品,并带有数字打印机,它的上下探头同时采用两层加厚强磁钢,两排高绕组线圈,这样仪器的磁场感应就增大,所以它的灵敏度比一般检针器要高。是我厂最新研发的新一代检针器。本机和其他型号检针器相比,主要有具有以下几方面的改善。1、它的机翼采用铝合金制造。(日本技术中国制造)。2、更强的抗干扰性能。本机在研发过程中针对传统型检针器对周边环境要求较高,抗干扰性能较差的缺点,在检测原理和检测结构方面进一步改进,它的上下探头采用双磁场,双屏蔽式,这样仪器对外界的抗干扰性有了大大的改善。3、更高的灵敏度。由于仪器的上下探头采用双磁场,双屏蔽式,而且它的上下探头同时采用两层加厚强磁钢,两排高绕组线圈,这样仪器的磁场感应就更大,所以它是检针器系列产品中灵敏度最高的一种。在这台机器上放一件衣服等于它同时通过了2次的检测,所以就大大的提高了它的检测精度。本机在机翼的控制面版上设有灵敏度高低的显示和有断针信号感应度的显示,探头上装了八个断针位置显示器和光电扫描仪,同时具备C型和B型两种检针器的检测功能,还具备自动开机和数码有效计数的功能,速度比一般检针器要快。4、使用寿命更长本机的主要控制电路是采用全进口元器件,仪器的机芯是日本的,输送带荷兰进口的,电脑芯片集成电路。Features:
SY630—ZYTF anti_interference printing type needle detector is the newly developed product with high ferromagnetic and high sensitivity based on the SY630—ZYTF type needle detector,setting with digital printer.Two layers of thickening ferromagnetic steels and two rows of high winding loops are adopted for the upper and lower probes,so that the? magnetic induction of the instrument is increased, and therefore,its sensitivity is higher than the common needle detectors,it is the new generation needle detector.Comparing this machine with other needle detectors,this machine mainly has the following aspects of improvements.strong anti interference.Focusing on the disadwantages of the traditional type needle detector as high requirement to the ambient to the anbient environment and poor anti-interference,we have made further improvement to the checking principle and checking structure in the process of research and development.The upper and lower probes are the double-screen type,so that great improvement has been made to the interference immunity of the instrument against the environment.Higher sensitivity.Because the instruument’sprobe is the double-magnetic field and double –screen type,its sensitivity has been greatly increased.For example:the checking standard of traitional type needle detector for checking height of 100mm is only Fe1.0mm,however,that of the SY610-CHTT type anti interference dual fail-safe needle detector is Fe0.3-0.6mm,The core of theinstrument is made in Japan and the conveyer belt is imported from Holland,and it uses the computer chip integrate circuit.The high and low sensitivity display and broken-needle signal inductivity display are set on the control plate of the machine wing,and moreover eight broken-needle position displays and photoelectric scanners are set o the probes.It has the checking functions of both C type and B type needle detectors,and together with the functions of auto start-up and digital effective counting,and is faster than the common needle detector.检测宽度