1. 此产品不含任何化学成分,可以广泛用于家里,公寓,仓库,旅馆,商场,车库,办公室等。
2. 此产品对人类和宠物没有影响,同时也不会干扰到家用电器设备。
3. 不仅可以驱赶蜘蛛,还能驱赶其他臭虫,蟑螂,跳蚤等。
4. 此产品是透明的,工作时指示灯会亮,同时还有夜用感应灯功能。
5. 此产品有效范围是200sqm。
6. 为了达到最好的效果,建议每个房间插一个。
1. 插上220V 插座。
2. 指示灯亮表示在工作。
3. 光线变暗感应灯会变亮。
1. 请不要件此产品插在家具或设备后面,以免挡住超声以及磁能的传播而降低效果。
2. 在长期没有人在的时候请将产品从插座上拔下。
3. 此产品不防水,请勿将其放在潮湿的地方。
The Theory:
By emittingUltrasonic + Electromagnetic waves, causes a disturbance to spider and various of pests, consequently forcing them to fly away the protected area.
Ultrasonicprinciple to make a pest uncomfortable enviroment drive pests away.
Electromagneticenhance products driven effect, make its much more beautiful effect .
1. The device does not use any chemical substances, can be widely used in home, apartment, warehouse, hotels, supermarket, garages, office, etc.
2. The device is harmless for people and pets, and it does not interfere with electrical or electronic equipment.
3. It is not only repel spiders away, but can chase various of pest, such as bugs, fleas, crockroaches, silverfish, etc.
3. The device is transparent and to the emitted LED light, it also functions as a pleasant and useful nightlight that truns on at sunset and truns off when day light comes.
3. The device covers an area of up to 200 square meters.
4. For optimal coverage, it is recommened to use a device in every room or enclosed area.
5. When you start using the device, it is normal to see increased spiders activity since the spiders and pest are highly disterbed by it, Soon they will leave the area coverd by the device.
1. Plug unit into socket of 220V/110V AC wall outlet.
2. indicator LED will light up that the device is working
3. There is a photosensitive night LED light will be auto lighting when getting dark. .