MZ-AHR60经过精心设计和制造,选用国际电气元件,产品在操作性能、外观设计和传动设计方面能显示了完美性。辅助之全自动大容量送料器,配合 MZ-AHR60主机,不仅可以节省人手,更显示出本机之高速性及全自动化。具有无件不烫、料斗无料报警、气压过低报警、卸料故障报警、缺烫金纸报警等自动检测功能,以保证机器的稳定性和省料性。进料输送带电眼检测物件输送到位,从而控制振动盘的启动/停止,以减少振动盘的输送过程对物料表面的磨损或划伤。
本机以机械传动为主,并且配全PLC控制和气动控制,每小时最高速度达3000 pcs,同时机器传瓶采用通用管位,换款方便快捷。
MA-AHR60 Automatic hot stamping machine
Our company manufacture the MZ-AHR60 Ful-automatic hot stamping machine, which includes the auto feeder and hot stamping downloading system, the working speed will be 50 pcs per minute; which be adopted the PLC control system and easy adjustable systems for all the mechanical structures; which be adopted the alarm system to save the hot stamping foil when there is no workpiece; to make the operator to follow the feeder, the air pressure and so on.
Photo electronic sensor for registration can be deviced depending on customer, which is special for doing hot-stamping after offset tube printing.
Which be adopted in cosmetics industry and drinking industry.
MZ-AHR60全自动烫金机 | |
最大印刷面积 Maximum Printing Area |
ф5cm 15x12cm |
最高运行速度 Maximum Running Speed |
50pcs/min |
气压要求 Compressed Air pressure Requirement |
5-7bar |
总功率 Power Consumption |
220V/60Hz 6Kw |
机体尺寸(长X宽X高) Machine Dimension(LXWXH) |
140x160x175cm |
重量 Weight |
1000Kg |
东莞市铭智印刷机械有限公司,联系电话:0769-82828862,82828698,联系人:吴先生,主产品:瓶盖组装机,全自动组装机,全自动瓶盖烫金机,瓶盖烫金机,瓶盖丝印机,软管丝印机,软管烫金机,印刷机,丝印机,烫金机,油盖丝印机,玻璃瓶丝印机,玻璃胶瓶丝印机,瓶子丝印机,贴标机,全自动贴标机, 软管贴标机,全自动丝印机,全自动烫金机,玻璃杯丝印机WWW.CN-MEGI.Com
Megi printing Machinery Co., Ltd(DongGuan), TEL: 0769-82828862, 82828698,. Link by: Mr. Wu, The main product: Screen printers, automatic screen printing machine, automatic bronzing machine, hot stamp machines, golden hot printing machine, heat transfer machine, automatic labeling machine, and automatic assembly machine
东莞市铭智印刷机械有限公司,联系电话:0769-82828862,82828698,联系人:吴先生,主产品:瓶盖组装机,全自动组装机,全自动瓶盖烫金机,瓶盖烫金机,瓶盖丝印机,软管丝印机,软管烫金机,印刷机,丝印机,烫金机,油盖丝印机,玻璃瓶丝印机,玻璃胶瓶丝印机,瓶子丝印机,贴标机,全自动贴标机, 软管贴标机,全自动丝印机,全自动烫金机,玻璃杯丝印机WWW.CN-MEGI.Com
Megi printing Machinery Co., Ltd(DongGuan), TEL: 0769-82828862, 82828698,. Link by: Mr. Wu, The main product: Screen printers, automatic screen printing machine, automatic bronzing machine, hot stamp machines, golden hot printing machine, heat transfer machine, automatic labeling machine, and automatic assembly machine
东莞市铭智印刷机械有限公司,联系电话:0769-82828862,82828698,联系人:吴先生,主产品:瓶盖组装机,全自动组装机,全自动瓶盖烫金机,瓶盖烫金机,瓶盖丝印机,软管丝印机,软管烫金机,印刷机,丝印机,烫金机,油盖丝印机,玻璃瓶丝印机,玻璃胶瓶丝印机,瓶子丝印机,贴标机,全自动贴标机, 软管贴标机,全自动丝印机,全自动烫金机,玻璃杯丝印机WWW.CN-MEGI.Com
Megi printing Machinery Co., Ltd(DongGuan), TEL: 0769-82828862, 82828698,. Link by: Mr. Wu, The main product: Screen printers, automatic screen printing machine, automatic bronzing machine, hot stamp machines, golden hot printing machine, heat transfer machine, automatic labeling machine, and automatic assembly machine