本品系用松香甘油酯改性的酚醛树脂 (The products is modified from rosin glycerol resin) 性能:在煤焦系,酯类溶剂﹑松节油﹑植物油中完全溶解,不溶于醇类溶剂,在石油系溶剂中部分溶解。 Properties:Completely dissolved in solvent such as coal tar system,esters,turpentine and plant oil.Undissolved in Solvent such as alcohol and partly dissolved in oil. 特点:用本树脂制得的漆膜干燥速度,漆膜坚硬,抗水,耐久,光亮. Characteristics:The paint film made from this kind of resin is quick-drying ,hard and hright ,aslo resistant to water. 用途:用于制漆﹑油墨﹑橡胶﹑水砂皮﹑漆包线等工业. Uses:It fits for industry such as paint-marking,ink,rubber,enamel-insulated wiresets. 技术指标 指标名称(Name of specifications) | 外观(Appearance) | 酸值(Acid value Max)不大于 Acid value Max. | 软化点(环球法) Softening point(R&B) | 色号(加纳色号)不深于(Color (Gardner) MAX | 苯中溶解度(Solubility in benzene) | 指标(Specifications) | 不规则透明固体Irregular transparent solid | 20 | 135-150℃ | 12 | 清(Clear) |