【品 名】:玫瑰纯露[Name]:Rose Hydrosol
【别名】:玫瑰花水、玫瑰水[Alias]:rose water
【提取部位】:玫瑰鲜花[Extractparts]:rose flower petals
【提取方法】:水蒸气蒸馏法[Extraction Method]:steam distillation.
【外 观:】无色透明液体[Appearance]:colorless transparent Liquid
【气 味】:具有浓郁的苦水玫瑰花的香味[Smell]:the smellofrichbitter kushuiroses
【用 途】[Use]
Rose Hydrosol can be used in the raw materials for the production of cosmetics, flavors and fragrances and beauty industry.
Rose flower hydrosol is colorless and transparent, clear liquid, the process of refining rose oil from the fresh rose petals isolated a 100% saturation hydrosols, molecular weight of rare, natural ingredients pure, light and pleasant scent.female favorite flower water and rose oil has a similar effect.
Mainlywhitening, moisturizing,emollient.Can promotethebody, mind,andspiritof theemotionalleveltoachievebalance,adjusttheeffectivenessofthe endocrine system,premenstrual syndrome,menstrual pain,andemotional ups and downshave a very goodhelp.Autonomic nervous system,relax the bodyand reducetheallergic reactionsofthe body, helpingtoregain its vitality
Rose Hydrosolistheskinsnaturalmoisturizing agents,can increaseand maintainthemoisturecontentoftheskin, reduce wrinkles,andhas significantly improvedthe effectiveness ofnormal, dry, matureand sensitive,ordulllifelessskin
【使用方法】:[How to use]:
Rosewatercan be used asa dailyuse, water moisture,can be used astoilet water, perfumespray,making the airfresh andrefreshing, you can addCleanserMaskmoistureuse
This product is Organic Rose Hydrosol does not contain any anti-corruption agents, does not contain any artificial colors or flavors, safe, reliable, 100% natural.Can be sprayed directly on the skin of the face or body. Is a beauty essential!
【包装规格】:[Packing Specification]
25KG, 5KG, 1KG, 100ml, 80ml, 50ml