深圳市英兰胜业电子有限公司,成立于二零零零年,是专业的IC集成电路供应商。主营世界品牌IC:TI、MAX、AD、ST、ATMEL、INFINEON、INTERSIL、FSC、ON、NXP、XILINX、霍尔元器件全系列等,本公司经营品种齐全,产品广泛应用于军工 .通信(手机、可视话机、电子词典、PDA、GPS)、数码(数字录音笔、数码摄像机、网络摄像等)对电子产品具有不同要求的领域。信誉好,价格低,交货快捷,使我司在同行业中脱颖而出,赢得不少客户的信赖与支持,以全国各地为主市场,业务遍布全球各地。 我们秉承互惠互利、共发展的原则,热诚欢迎国内外广大新老客户来洽谈合作,共谋发展。
MLX90333 Triaxis™ 3D-Joystick Position Sensor
The MLX90333 is a monolithic sensor IC featuring the Triaxis™ Hall technology. Conventional planar Hall technology is only sensitive to the flux density applied orthogonally to the IC surface. The Triaxis™ Hall sensor is also sensitive to the flux density applied parallel to the IC surface. This is obtained through an Integrated Magneto-Concentrator (IMC) which is deposited on the CMOS die (as an additional back-end step). The MLX90333 is sensitive to the 3 components of the flux density applied to the IC (BX, BY and BZ). This allows the MLX90333 to sense any magnet moving in its surrounding and it enables the design of a novel generation of non-contacting joystick position sensors which are often required for both automotive and industrial applications (e.g. man-machine interface). Furthermore, the capability of measuring BX, BY and BZ allows the MLX90333 to be considered as universal non-contacting position sensor i.e. not limited to joystick applications. For instance, a linear travel can be sensed with the MLX90333 once included in a specific magnetic design. In combination with the appropriate signal processing, the magnetic flux density of a small magnet (axial magnetization) moving above the IC can be measured in a non-contacting way. The two (2) angular information are computed from the three (3) vector components of the flux density (i.e. BX, BY and BZ). The MLX90333 reports two (2) linear output signals. The output formats are selectable between Analog, PWM and Serial Protocol. |