Detailed Product Description
sunlite usb dmx controller
1.sunlite interface usb dmx controller
2.512 DMX-IN channels competitive price
sunlite usb dmx controller
Sunlite Suite, the lighting control software that outperforms most consoles/desks available on the market!
A) 512 DMX-IN channels
B) 512 DMX-OUT channels
C) 4 DMX-Ethernet universes for 2048 more channels
1) The DMX-Ethernet outputs use the Ethernet connection of the computer
2) Unlimited = limited by the Ethernet protocol and the power of the computer
Sunlite Suite, our 8th generation of software, benefits from 16 years of experience in lighting control and from Windows technologies for optimal ease of use. Most functions within the software have been improved while keeping the general successful concept of earlier versions. Once again, the new generation of Sunlite sotware controllers has gained both in ease of use and functionality.
Package Size:24.5*18*7cm

3、包装:全封闭性单独包装。先用胶代包好整个灯,胶代外面用全封闭性发泡胶,在装入两坑的纸箱, 纸外面用木架固定,防损、便于搬运。包装材料:胶袋、发泡胶、两坑的纸箱、木架。推荐航空箱包装
4..不与同行比价格,我们遵循质量跟产品的性能稳定为原则 坚持中端路线。
【售后服务】凡客户从本公司购买的所有产品,均享有终身保修的服务。自产品处购买日起,一年之内 免费保修(除人为原因外),材料免费。从第二年起,保修免费,只收取材料费用。
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