Detailed Product Description
MartinDMX USB-DMX512 Controller
Free shippingMartinDMX USB-DMX512 Controller (software is for free)
MartinDMX USB-DMX512 it's abbreviation name is M512 .it's a USB-DMX512 equipment which created by ourself ! It can through PC add M512 box to control any lights which have
DMX512 interface .for example : moving heads,scanners,lasers,led lights,fog machine and so on .
M512 have input function as the same time ,it can catch DMX512 signal in the computer ,
for example ;it can connect your real pearl 2008 or other simple controller to M512,let you controller support
3D simulate or VJ software , in other words ,it can show programming result and lights effect of you real
controller in 3D software in you computer .
You need not go to spot to program lights procedure,you can see
the effect in 3D software in your computer .Certainly ,in the project ,you can connect another graphoscope or
projector,for compare the effect of the spot and in graphoscope .
Under Windows XP system M512 can 100% compatible Martin Light jockey, you can use Martin Light jockey
software+M512 hardware box directly ,so that you need not buy expensive USB hardware box from Martin company ,
that is the most important ,that is the main reason we created our M512 .
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Free shipping MartinDMX USB-DMX512 Controller
3、包装:全封闭性单独包装。先用胶代包好整个灯,胶代外面用全封闭性发泡胶,在装入两坑的纸箱, 纸外面用木架固定,防损、便于搬运。包装材料:胶袋、发泡胶、两坑的纸箱、木架。推荐航空箱包装
4..不与同行比价格,我们遵循质量跟产品的性能稳定为原则 坚持中端路线。
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联系人:小龚 联系电话:13632227474