恩施链条炉排锅炉配件炉排长销恩施链条炉排锅炉配件炉排长销恩施链条炉排锅炉配件炉排长销 我们是专业的铸造企业,年产量5000吨铸铁配件,铸铁配件涉及锅炉配件、汽车配件、建筑机械等领域,材质从球墨(球铁)、灰铁、玛钢、铸钢等材质;
办事处地址:武汉市东西湖区现代五金机电城26栋25号 阳光机械
手机:18963945675(杨经理) 、 15137458582(杨经理)、15337246572(武小姐)
邮箱:ylei95@ master@
QQ:6115511 、 12082602
厂 家直销供应 立、卧式燃煤蒸汽、热水锅炉, LSH-立式蒸汽锅炉, LSB-煤炭气化环保锅炉, DZH-卧式蒸汽锅炉, DZL-自动链条蒸汽锅炉, SZL-反烧蒸汽锅炉(专利产品), CLSG-立式热水锅炉(茶水锅炉), CDZH-卧式热水锅炉, CDZL-自动链条热水锅炉,燃油(气)蒸汽、热水锅炉, LSS-燃油(气)蒸汽锅炉,WNS-燃油(气)卧式蒸汽锅炉,CLSS-燃油(气)热水锅炉,CWNS-燃油(气)卧式热水锅炉,烘干、矿井、养殖专用 热风锅炉,LRF-立、卧式燃煤热风锅炉,LRF-Y(Q)燃油(气)热风锅炉, 有机热载体加热炉-导热油炉, YGL-立、卧式燃煤导热油炉,YGL-立、卧式燃油(气)导热油炉, 电加热锅炉、无烟浴暖专用锅炉浴池专用的环保锅炉,循环流化床锅炉, LDR-电加热锅炉, SHXF-循环流化床锅炉,压力容器, 蒸 压 釜,杀 菌 锅,高效脱硫除尘器,分气缸、储罐,锅炉辅机锅炉辅机、炉排、风机、循环泵等;
机械锅炉配件产品有 boiler-accessories锅炉配件、炉排、炉门、主动片、被动片、附片、人控压码、手控压码、长销、主动炉排、被动炉排、调节螺母、六角轮、 齿轮、涡轮、煤闸板、烟板、后滚轮、滑块、三爪炉排、四爪炉排、圆眼炉排、长眼炉排、花边炉排、空芯炉排、抽芯炉排、九齿链轮、人孔装置、三通、手轮、手 摇炉排、轴承座、左右轴承、出渣机三角轮、出渣机托轮、出渣机托辊(大、小)、出渣机轴承座、十字架刮板、15齿链轮、16齿链轮、17齿链轮、14齿链 轮、440侧密封、400侧密封、侧密封块、链轮、连轴器、鳞片、炉排轴、九角链轮,联系电话:18963945675、15137458582、 027-83295823 ;
截止阀, 球阀, 堵阀, 止回阀, 排污阀, 安全阀, 调节阀, 节流阀, 减压阀, 减温减压阀, 闸阀等等;法兰有供应各种材质带颈对焊法兰 ,锻钢法兰, 压力容器用法兰, DN10-DN4000系列;弯头有45度角, 90度角等各种厚度型号的弯头;
火侧沉积与腐蚀抑制剂FM3000 ,宇冷凝水腐蚀抑制剂FM1000, 锅炉药剂阻垢分散剂OA 系列等锅炉药剂产品!量大从优!
邮箱:ylei95@ , 6115511@ , master@
QQ:6115511 , 12082602 , 578041361
主 要产品:各式主动片、12——24mm单双风道附片、九齿一二十一齿炉排链轮、L=100——570各式大块炉排,三孔一八孔大、小鱼鳞片、夹 板、滚柱、衬管、密封铁、挡渣器、活芯炉排、各式炉门、检查门、防爆门、烟道门、横梁炉排、导轮、导轨、耐热钢风帽、中硅耐热(球墨)铸铁风帽、中心筒、 落灰管、防磨瓦等。
生产全国1T——400T各工业(电站)锅炉的炉排底座、除(灰)渣、给煤、除尘、省煤、预热器、通用输送机械等产品 的设计、制作、安装服务。主导 有:ZKC重型框链刮板除渣机、GBL刮板捞(灰)渣机、ZLC十字刮板除(灰)渣机、GBC刮板除(灰)渣机、R318除渣机、BL板链除渣机、螺旋除 渣机、垂直上煤机、联合刮板上煤机、TD75系列皮带机、DJ波状挡边大倾角输送机,MC\\MZ\\MS埋刮板输送机、FU输送机、TH\\NE\\PL系列斗 式提升机、电磁(惯性)振动给料器、仓壁振动器、K式往复给料机、GX螺旋输送机、外径219—400硫化床炉专用螺旋给煤机(分悬臂式、支撑式)、单、 双棍分层节能煤斗、悬挂式电磁除铁器、陶瓷多管(脱硫)除尘器、2T---40T炉L=1000——25000mm方型铸铁省煤器,钢管式空气预热器、膨 胀节、防磨套管、烟、风道、烟筒等。
炉排底座能制作1T——35T,拥护可按我公司标准或自定尺寸。形式有:链条式、往复式、小鳞片式、 大鳞片式、并承接各工业炉窑的燃烧设备。我公司生产的 炉排用料标准,配风采用独立风室、活门放灰,并且用户可按自己的燃烧煤种、使用方式选配传动链的材料。分为ZG\\KTH350——10、QT。炉排材料有 HT\\RTcr0.8、KTH350——10、RTsi5、RQTsi5等,炉排片可选配付片式、大块式、活络芯式等配件。 生产全国1T——400T各工业(电站)锅炉的炉排底座、除(灰)渣、给煤、除尘、省煤、预热器、通用输送机械等产品的设计、制作、安装服务。主导 有:ZKC重型框链刮板除渣机、GBL刮板捞(灰)渣机、ZLC十字刮板除(灰)渣机、GBC刮板除(灰)渣机、R318除渣机、BL板链除渣机、螺旋除 渣机、垂直上煤机、联合刮板上煤机、TD75系列皮带机、DJ波状挡边大倾角输送机,MC\\MZ\\MS埋刮板输送机、FU输送机、TH\\NE\\PL系列斗 式提升机、电磁(惯性)振动给料器、仓壁振动器、K式往复给料机、GX螺旋输送机、外径219—400硫化床炉专用螺旋给煤机(分悬臂式、支撑式)、单、 双棍分层节能煤斗、悬挂式电磁除铁器、陶瓷多管(脱硫)除尘器、2T---40T炉L=1000——25000mm方型铸铁省煤器,钢管式空气预热器、膨 胀节、防磨套管、烟、风道、烟筒等。
炉排底座能制作1T——35T,拥护可按我公司标准或自定尺寸。形式有:链条式、往复式、小鳞片式、 大鳞片式、并承接各工业炉窑的燃烧设备。我公司生产的 炉排用料标准,配风采用独立风室、活门放灰,并且用户可按自己的燃烧煤种、使用方式选配传动链的材料。分为ZG\\KTH350——10、QT。炉排材料有 HT\\RTcr0.8、KTH350——10、RTsi5、RQTsi5等,炉排片可选配付片式、大块式、活络芯式等配件。
factory direct supply vertical and horizontal coal-fired steam, hot water boiler, LSH-vertical steam boiler, LSB-environmentally friendly coal gasification boiler, DZH-horizontal steam boiler, DZL-automatic chain steam boiler, SZL-anti- fired steam boiler (patented product), CLSG-vertical hot water boiler (tea boiler), CDZH-horizontal hot water boiler, CDZL-automatic chain of hot water boilers, fuel (gas) steam, hot water boiler, LSS-fuel ( gas) steam boiler, WNS-fuel (gas) horizontal steam boiler, CLSS-fuel (gas) hot water boiler, CWNS-fuel (gas) horizontal hot water boiler, drying, mines, aquaculture special hot air boilers, LRF- vertical, horizontal coal-fired hot air boilers, LRF-Y (Q) of fuel (gas) hot air boiler, organic heat carrier furnace - heat-conducting oil furnace, YGL-vertical and horizontal coal-fired thermal oil heaters, YGL-vertical, horizontal Fuel (gas) heat-conducting oil furnace, electric heating boilers, special boilers smoke-free bath warm bath dedicated environmental boiler, circulating fluidized bed boiler, LDR-electric heating boilers, SHXF-circulating fluidized bed boiler, pressure vessel, autoclave , autoclaves, efficient desulfurization precipitator, sub-cylinder, tank, auxiliary boiler auxiliary boiler, grate, fan, circulation pump;
Machinery Boiler Accessories products are boiler-accessories boiler parts, grate, door, active pieces, passive film, with a film, people pressure control code, manual pressure code, long pin, active grate, grate passive, adjustment nut, hex wheel, gears, turbines, coal gate, smoke plate, after the wheel, slider, claw the grate, four claws grate, grate round eyes, long eye grate, grate lace, hollow furnace row, core pulling the grate, nine tooth sprockets, manhole installation, links, hand wheels, hand grate, bearing, bearing left, slag machine triangular wheel, roller machine slag, slag machine roller (large and small), slag machine bearing, cross scraper, 15 tooth sprocket, 16 tooth sprocket, 17 tooth sprocket, 14 teeth sprocket, 440 side seal, side seal 400, side sealing block, sprocket , coupling, scales, grate shaft, nine corner sprocket, Tel: 18963945675,15137458582, 027-83295823;
valve, ball valve, plug valve, check valve, drain valve, safety valve, control valve, throttle, valve, reduce temperature and pressure relief valve, gate valve, etc.; flange with the supply of material with welded neck flange, forged flange, pressure vessel flange, DN10-DN4000 series; elbow 45 degrees, 90 degrees thickness of various types of elbow;
fire side of the deposition and corrosion inhibitors FM3000, Yu condensate corrosion inhibitor FM1000, boiler scale inhibitor and dispersant agents OA series boiler pharmaceutical product! Large favorably!
here is the production of boilers and accessories for manufacturers, professional casting company!
Tel: 18963945675 (Yang), 15137458582 (Yang), 15337246572(Miss Wu)
Plane 027 -83295823
Fax :027 -83,295,823
E-mail: ylei95@, 6115511@, master@
Official website address:
Front Office Address: Wuhan East Lake Modern Hardware & Electrical City 26 25
Postal Code: 430040
QQ: 6115511, 12082602, 578041361
UC: 64212198
ICQ: 300023566
COCO: 1036707
MSN: lei95@
Gtalk: ylei95@
Ali Want: yanglei95
HC Hair: yanglei95
main products: all kinds of active chip ,12 - 24mm single and double air duct attached to films, nine teeth grate twelve eleven tooth sprocket, L = 100 - 570 kinds of large grate, three-hole one eight holes large, fish scales, plywood, roller, liner, sealing iron, slag control, live-cell grate, all kinds of door, check door, blast doors, flue door, grate beams, pulleys, rail, heat-resistant steel hood, heat-resistant silicon (ductile) cast iron hood, the center tube, pipe ash, wear tile and so on.
production of the country 1T - 400T various industrial (power plant) boiler grate base, in addition to (gray) slag, coal, dust, Sheng Mei, preheater, general transport machinery, product design, production, installation services . Led with: ZKC deslagging heavy box chain scraper, GBL scraper (gray) Java machine, ZLC scraper in addition to the cross (gray) Java machines, GBC scraper in addition to (gray) Java machine, R318 deslagging, BL deslagging plate chain, screw deslagging, vertical on the coal, the coal joint scraper, TD75 series belt, DJ corrugated wall large angle conveyor, MC \\ MZ \\ MS buried scraper conveyor, FU delivery machines, TH \\ NE \\ PL series bucket elevator, electromagnetic (inertia) vibration feeder, vibrator warehouse wall, K-type reciprocating feeder, GX screw conveyor, diameter 219-400 fluidized bed furnaces dedicated to the spiral Coal (sub-cantilever, braced), single, double stick layer energy coal bucket, hanging magnetic separator, ceramic multi-tube (desulfurization) filter, 2T --- 40T furnace L = 1000 - 25000mm square cast iron economizer, air preheater pipe, expansion joints, casing wear, smoke, duct, chimney, etc.
grate base to produce 1T - 35T, support according to our standard or custom sizes. The form of: chain, reciprocating, small scale type, large scale type, and to undertake various industrial furnace combustion equipment. I produced the grate material standard with air using an independent air chamber, put the ash valve, and the user can burn their coal, use of materials matching the transmission chain. Into ZG \\ KTH350 - 10, QT. Grate material HT \\ RTcr0.8, KTH350 - 10, RTsi5, RQTsi5 so grate with optional pay-chip, large-type, active cell type and other accessories. Production of the country 1T - 400T various industrial (power plant) boiler grate base, in addition to (gray) slag, coal, dust, Sheng Mei, preheater, general machinery, transportation product design, production, installation services. Led with: ZKC deslagging heavy box chain scraper, GBL scraper (gray) Java machine, ZLC scraper in addition to the cross (gray) Java machines, GBC scraper in addition to (gray) Java machine, R318 deslagging, BL deslagging plate chain, screw deslagging, vertical on the coal, the coal joint scraper, TD75 series belt, DJ corrugated wall large angle conveyor, MC \\ MZ \\ MS buried scraper conveyor, FU delivery machines, TH \\ NE \\ PL series bucket elevator, electromagnetic (inertia) vibration feeder, vibrator warehouse wall, K-type reciprocating feeder, GX screw conveyor, diameter 219-400 fluidized bed furnaces dedicated to the spiral Coal (sub-cantilever, braced), single, double stick layer energy coal bucket, hanging magnetic separator, ceramic multi-tube (desulfurization) filter, 2T --- 40T furnace L = 1000 - 25000mm square cast iron economizer, air preheater pipe, expansion joints, casing wear, smoke, duct, chimney, etc.
grate base to produce 1T - 35T, support according to our standard or custom dimensions The form of: chain, reciprocating, small scale type, large scale type, and to undertake various industrial furnace combustion equipment. I produced the grate material standard with air using an independent air chamber, put the ash valve, and the user can burn their coal, use of materials matching the transmission chain. Into ZG \\ KTH350 - 10, QT. Grate material HT \\ RTcr0.8, KTH350 - 10, RTsi5, RQTsi5 so grate with optional pay-chip, large-type, active cell type and other accessories.
International class production hand hole, manhole, the first hole series; scale furnace chain series (ie, large ring, small ring); FU conveyors, board chain bucket elevator chain series
factory direct sales, professional casting company! stability of about 2,000 tons per month! welcome to discuss cooperation! large favorably!
主要产品:各式主动片、 12——24mm单双风道附片、九齿一二十一齿炉排链轮、L=100——570各式大块炉排,三孔一八孔大、小鱼鳞片、夹板、滚柱、衬管、密封铁、挡渣 器、活芯炉排、各式炉门、检查门、防爆门、烟道门、横梁炉排、导轮、导轨、耐热钢风帽、中硅耐热(球墨)铸铁风帽、中心筒、落灰管、防磨瓦等。
生 产全国1T——400T各工业(电站)锅炉的炉排底座、除(灰)渣、给煤、除尘、省煤、预热器、通用输送机械等产品的设计、制作、安装服务。主导 有:ZKC重型框链刮板除渣机、GBL刮板捞(灰)渣机、ZLC十字刮板除(灰)渣机、GBC 刮板除(灰)渣机、R318除渣机、BL板链除渣机、螺旋除 渣机、垂直上煤机、联合刮板上煤机、TD75系列皮带机、DJ波状挡边大倾角输送机,MC\\MZ\\MS埋刮板输送机、FU输送机、TH\\NE\\PL系列斗 式提升机、电磁(惯性)振动给料器、仓壁振动器、K式往复给料机、GX螺旋输送机、外径219—400硫化床炉专用螺旋给煤机(分悬臂式、支撑式)、单、 双棍分层节能煤斗、悬挂式电磁除铁器、陶瓷多管(脱硫)除尘器、2T—40T炉L=1000——25000mm方型铸铁省煤器,钢管式空气预热器、膨胀 节、防磨套管、烟、风道、烟筒等。
炉排底座能制作1T——35T,拥护可按我公司标准或自定尺寸。形式有:链条式、往复式、小鳞片式、大 鳞片式、并承接各工业炉窑的燃烧设备。我公司 生产的炉排用料标准,配风采用独立风室、活门放灰,并且用户可按自己的燃烧煤种、使用方式选配传动链的材料。分为ZG\\KTH350——10、QT。炉排 材料有HT\\RTcr0.8、KTH350——10、RTsi5、RQTsi5等,炉排片可选配付片式、大块式、活络芯式等配件。 生产全国1T——400T各工业(电站)锅炉的炉排底座、除(灰)渣、给煤、除尘、省煤、预热器、通用输送机械等产品的设计、制作、安装服务。主导 有:ZKC重型框链刮板除渣机、GBL刮板捞(灰)渣机、ZLC十字刮板除(灰)渣机、GBC 刮板除(灰)渣机、R318除渣机、BL板链除渣机、螺旋除 渣机、垂直上煤机、联合刮板上煤机、TD75系列皮带机、DJ波状挡边大倾角输送机,MC\\MZ\\MS埋刮板输送机、FU输送机、TH\\NE\\PL系列斗 式提升机、电磁(惯性)振动给料器、仓壁振动器、K式往复给料机、GX螺旋输送机、外径219—400硫化床炉专用螺旋给煤机(分悬臂式、支撑式)、单、 双棍分层节能煤斗、悬挂式电磁除铁器、陶瓷多管(脱硫)除尘器、2T—40T炉L=1000——25000mm方型铸铁省煤器,钢管式空气预热器、膨胀 节、防磨套管、烟、风道、烟筒等。
炉排底座能制作1T——35T,拥护可按我公司标准或自定尺寸。形式有:链条式、往复式、小鳞片式、大 鳞片式、并承接各工业炉窑的燃烧设备。我公司 生产的炉排用料标准,配风采用独立风室、活门放灰,并且用户可按自己的燃烧煤种、使用方式选配传动链的材料。分为ZG\\KTH350——10、QT。炉排 材料有HT\\RTcr0.8、KTH350——10、RTsi5、RQTsi5等,炉排片可选配付片式、大块式、活络芯式等配件。
您好!我们是锅炉配件生 产厂家,厂址在河南省许昌市,配件主要供应到郑州锅炉厂、华龙热力、新乡锅炉厂、武汉天元锅炉、武汉锅炉集团、江城锅炉、新华锅炉等企业!量大从优!欢迎 采购!竭诚希望与您长期合作!网址是:,,这里是生产锅炉配件的厂家,专业铸造企业!
厂址: 河南省长葛市西杨工业区 阳光机械配件厂
河南省郑州市花园路刘庄267号 阳光锅炉销售部
网址: (厂家宣传站点)
手机:18963945675 15337246572 15137458582
QQ:12082602 6115511
法兰盘 锅炉炉排