本机是专门生产多孔砖、砌块砖而设计的大型双级真空机。双级设计,采用真空挤出、双级搅拌,两台电动机通过轴向气动离合器带动分流式减速机分别驱动搅拌挤出和成型挤出,适用于高孔洞率空心夸、页岩、煤矸石。减速嚣独立全钢结构通过调质、淬火、热处理等工艺。非常有效提高稳定性能及使用寿命。 郑重承诺3年保修 The main production equipment for the hollow brick is suitable for producing hollow bricks with the page rock, the gangue, the pulverized coal ash as the raw material. All-steel gear box is designed the fuel loading system specially. The equipment is suitable to the new wall material equipment with the annual output of 15,000,000 - 25,000,000 (folds sign brick).