冰盒:适用范围:用于冰箱:能蓄冷节电、食品保鲜。在冰箱断电时维持低温。用于冷藏运输:家禽、水产品等其它食品长距离冷藏运输、冷冻生物制品、药品、血浆、疫苗等冷藏运输。用于食品:冷冻保鲜食品、饮料、啤酒、水果、蔬菜等。使用方法:将冰盒放入冰箱冷冻室充分蓄冷。24小时后取出使用。注意事项:冰盒仅供外用,如内容物接触眼睛或皮肤,接触被冷冻保鲜物品,用清水彻底清洗即可。如不慎误食内容物,应饮下大量清水及尽量吐出,必要时应联系医生。特性:本品冷容量高,释放冷量均衡,并可重复循环使用。Ice Box :Usage:Put the icebox into ice making compartment of refrigerator to be refrigerated completely, and take it out for use 24 hours later.Purpose:For refrigerator: it can save electricity, keep food fresh and keep cold in condition of refrigerator being off electricity.For cold storage and transportation: it can be used for cold storage and transportation of poultry, aquaculture product and other kinds of food, biological product, drug, plasma, vaccine.For food: freeze and keep fresh food, beverage, beer, fruit, vegetable and so on.Precaution:The ice bag can only be used for external medication. If eye or skin should contact the content or the someting being freezed, it must be washed by clean water thoroughly. If one eat the content by mistake, he must drink enough water, try his best to vomit it and turn to doctor when necessary.Characteristic:This product has a high cold capacity, release cold evenly, and can be used repeatedly.