APE是流行的数字音乐文件格式之一,APE是一种无损压缩音频技术,还原后的音频文件与压缩前的一模一样,没有任何损失。FLAC是一套著名的自由音频压缩编码,其特点是无损压缩。不同于其他有损压缩编码如MP3 及 AAC,它不会破坏任何原有的音频资讯,所以可以还原音乐光盘音质。APE车载音乐播放器,是CD原盘的抓轨,跟CD没有区别,所以称无损音乐。目前本市所有车载音乐播放器,都是MP3格式解码,都解不了APE无损音乐,就连汽车原载DVD也大部分支持不了无损APE音乐。本次重磅推出的无损音乐播放器,给即想听高品质音乐,又不想存碟买碟的车主,一个新的音乐梦

台州金铭电子科技有限公司是集电子产品开发、设计、生产于一体的高新科技产业,公司主要经营 车载MP3播放器、健身器材,水冷空调以及摩托车汽车的线束。拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。台州金铭电子科技有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。
APE is one of the popular digital music file format, APE is a lossless compression of audio technology, reducing the audio files with the prior to the compression as like as two peas, without any loss of. FLAC is a famous free audio compression coding, which is characterized by lossless compression. Unlike other lossy compression encoding such as MP3and AAC, it will not destroy any of the audio frequency information, so can restore CD quality music. APE music player, is a CD raw Disk Wizard, and CD no difference, so called music. At present this city all the music player, is a MP3 format decoding, all solutions can not APE music, even the car carries DVD most cannot support lossless APE music. The heavy pound introduced music player, to listen to music, and don t want dish buy dish owners, a new music dream.