供应出口消防警铃 报警警铃 火灾警铃 报警系统警铃
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概述 |
消防警铃,有6寸、8寸、10寸三种规格。DC24V供电,声响大于95dB JL188 Electric bell of notification appliances offers a wide range of Sound, for wall and ceiling applications, indoors and outdoors. They are designed to be used in 24 volt DC systems. Key Specifications/Special Features Operating Voltage : DC24V Alarm Current: Maximum 70 mA Alarm Sound Intensity: Minimum 95dB |
联系电话 解先生:13410101800 孙小姐:18814452893
QQ:解先生:234745514 孙小姐:1060363721 传真号码:0755-29749366 阿里旺旺:cszss
官方网站:http://www.cszss.com 联系地址:深圳市宝安区福永宝安大道6267号世峰大厦907 |