test patterns are available:
511 pseudo-random, 2047
pseudo-random, 7 space 1
mark, 7 mark 1 space and
alternating mark/space. Block
size can be set to 512 bits, 1000
bits, 1024 bits, 2048 bits and 10
HBT can generate its own clockor receive clock from theconnected DCE.· HBT supports the followinginterfaces: V.35, X.21, RS-530,RS-232, G.703-2048 Mbps,G.703-1.544 Mbps andG.703-64 kbps by means offield-replaceable modules(see Ordering). Modulereplacement is straightforwardand simple. FEATURES High Speed Bit Error RateTester for sync links· Data rates from 32 kbps to2.048 Mbps· Several test patterns· Internal or externalclocking· Interface modules:V.35, X.21, RS-530,V.24/RS-232,G.703 - 2.048 Mbps(unframed),G.703 - 1.544 Mbps(unframed),G.703- 64 kbps
Simple straightforward
HBT is a Bit Error Rate Tester
for testing synchronous modems
and other DCEs.· HBT operates at data rates from32 kbps to 2.048 Mbps, including1.544 Mbps, and supporting alln x 56 kbps and n x 64 kbpsdata rates.· When testing a DCE, a loop isperformed, sending the databack to HBT. HBT compares thereceived pattern with thetransmitted pattern and presentsthe result on an LCD display,counting bit errors, sync lossnumber, block errors anderror-seconds. HBT alsofeatures an INJECT ERRORpush button which enables theuser to check the tester and theline by introducing errors in thetransmitted data stream. · Setup and operation are initiatedfrom the front panel using softkeys and interactive menuselection on an LCD messagedisplay. Ten LED indicatorsdisplay the activity of theinterface signals.· HBT is supplied in a convenienthand-held case. It is powered bya detachable external powersupply unit.
HBTHigh Speed Bit Error Rate TesterSPECIFICATIONS Clock SourceInternal or external· Data RatesX56: 56K, 112K, 168K, 224K,280K, 336K, 392K, 448K, 504K,560K, 616K, 672K, 728K, 784K,840K, 896K, 952K, 1.008M,1.064M, 1.12M, 1.176M,1.232M, 1.288M, 1.344M, 1.4M,1.456M, 1.512M, 1.568M,1.624M, 1.68M, 1.736M,1.792MX64: 32K, 48K, 64K, 128K,192K, 256K, 320K, 384K, 448K,512K, 576K, 640K, 704K, 768K,832K, 896K, 960K, 1.024M,1.088M, 1.152M, 1.216M,1.28M, 1.344M, 1.408M,1.472M, 1.536M, 1.544M, 1.6M,1.664M, 1.728M, 1.792M,1.856M, 1.92M, 1.984M, 2.048ME1 supported by 2.048 MbpsT1 supported by 1.544 Mbps· RTSControlled by userAPPLICATION · InterfaceChoice of eight field-replaceablemodules:V.35, X.21, RS-530,V.24/RS-232 (limited to 64kbps),G.703-E1 balanced unframed(2.048 Mbps only),G.703-E1 unbalanced unframed(2.048 Mbps only),G.703-T1 unframed (1.544 Mbpsonly) andG.703-64 kbps· Power115V / 230V (±10%)· PhysicalHBT:Length: 17.5 cm / 7.0 inWidth: 9.5 cm / 3.8 inHeight: 4.0 cm / 1.6 inWeight: 405g / 14 ozHBT Power Supply Unit:Length: 12.5 cm / 4.7 inWidth: 6.5 cm / 2.5 inHeight: 4.0 cm / 1.5 inWeight: 340g / 12 oz· EnvironmentTemperature: 0°–50°C/32°–122°FHumidity: Up to 90%,non-condensing