X431 GX3是元征X-431系列汽车诊断电脑的新产品,
产品特性 | 汽车诊断硬件按国际标准设计,可兼容世界所有车型的诊断接口 测试功能强大,可对汽车各电控系统进行故障诊断 独特的数据流读取方式,数据刷新更快 强大的数据流波形显示功能,观察数据流数值变化一目了然 嵌入式操作系统,开放式诊断平台,诊断速度更快,并具有PDA功能 一体化诊断接头,外观小巧,坚固耐用,性能可靠 大屏幕触摸输入方式,操作简单快捷 完善的售后服务体系,客户终生享受一对一的体贴服务 多语言操作界面,适合世界各个国家使用 配备精密的微型打印机,诊断结果随时随地打印 可选配X431-PCLINK数据通与电脑连接,存储测车数据,建立修车档案 可选配传感器测试盒,模拟、测试汽车传感器 CAN诊断接头,测试装配CAN BUS系统车系 富豪CAN诊断接头,测试富豪CAN BUS系统 |
简介 | X431 GX3是元征X-431系列汽车诊断电脑的新产品,它继承了X-431系列产品代表世界汽车诊断技术高水平的“开放式汽车诊断平台”技术,具备读汽车故障码、读动态数据流和动作测试、显示传感器波形、控制电脑编码等功能的同时,还具备PDA的功能。它采用整体化结构,Smartbox、打印机和主机集成于一体,设备运行速度更快,安全性更高。它的外观设计更加灵动,人性化手持设计,便于手持式操作。它的所有诊断软件功能同X-431一样。 |
特性 | 继承了X-431的强大的诊断功能
参数 | 操作系统:LINUX操作平台 内存:16M CF卡:512M 主机I/O:标准串口/并口 主机电源:DC12V 主机功率:约9W 打印机:微型高速热敏打印机 显示屏幕:大屏幕240×320带触摸屏LCD,带背光 环境温度:0-50℃ 相对湿度:<90% 可测车型: 所有国产车系。 国外车型:奔驰,宝马,欧宝,陆虎,雷诺,大众,奥迪,,SEAT,通用,福特,保时捷,SAAB(萨博),菲亚特,克莱期勒,斯柯达,大宇,现代,起亚,本三菱,本田,丰田,雷克萨斯,马自达,日产,大发,铃木,标致,双龙,罗密欧,罗浮,五十铃,SUBARU(速路霸),富豪,雪铁龙,OBDII,车系等。 |
X431 GX3is a new automotive diagnostic product and designed by LAUNCH with the technology of 'Open Control Platform for Vehicle' representing the highest level of automotive diagnostic technology in the world. It has the function of read DTCs, read datastream, actuation test, sensor waveform display and ECU coding. It's faster to communicate with cars than X-431 by integrated structure to save time in work. It can test most of cars by using the unique 16 PIN connector which integrates the function of all 16 PIN connectors of X-431. 24V operating voltage
capability is added to work with different kinds of batteries. It is easier and more conveniet to operate than X-431 based on the smart design.
X431 GX3 Features:
1.Inherited with all diagnosis function of X-431
2.Faster communication with cars than X-431 by integrated design to save time in work
3.All inclusive software coverage - European, American and Asian
4.24V operating voltage capability is added to work with different kinds of batteries
5.Powerful diagnostic function: read DTCs,read datastream, actuation test, sensor waveform display and ECU coding
6.Test most of cars by using unique & integrated 16 PIN connector
7.Easier and more conveniet to operate than X-431 based on the smart design
8.Upgrade software anytime and anywhere to keep up with latest models
X431 GX3 Parameter:
Operating System: Linux
Memory: 16M
CF Card: 512M
Main Unit I/O: Universal serial port/parallel port
Power Supply: DC 12V / 24V
Power: Approx. 9W
Screen: 240X320 LCD touch screen with background light
Printer: Mini high speed thermal printer
Ambient Temperature: -15℃~50℃
Relative Humidity: <90