树脂胶的分类:丙烯酸酯胶 | 完全固化时间:24(h) | 典型黏度:50(cps) |
粘合材料类型:玻璃,塑料类,橡胶类,金属类 | 工作温度:25(℃) | 型号:H2O |
有效物质≥:各类金属,橡胶,塑胶(%) | 活性使用期:20(min) | 品牌:HOLDTITE |
1. Identification of Substances
Product details: Single-component based on Cyanacrylicacidalcylester. More commonly known as Superglue Cyanoacrylate.
Trade Name description: Spectrum Cyanoacrylate
Article Number: CA-H2O
Manufacturers Name: Holdtite Adhesives Limited Tel: 0191 4914433
Ninth Avenue East, Team Valley Trading Estate,
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 0EJ
Informing Department: Tel: 0191 4914433 Emergency Information:
2. Composition/Data on Components
Ingredients CAS NO. % ACGIH 8 Hr. TWA: OSHA 8 Hr. TWA:
ETHYL CYANOACRYLATE 7085-85-0 90-100 0.2 ppm TWA
1,4-DIHYDROXYBENZENE 123-31-9 0.1-0.5 2 mg/m3TWA 2 mg/m3TWA
3. Hazards Identification
Additional information:Cyanoacrylate! Danger bonds skin and eyelids within seconds. Keep out of reach of children.
4. First Aid Measures
General information No special measures required
After inhalation Supply fresh air
After skin contact Instantly wash with soap and rinse thoroughly.
After eye contact Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water. Then consult doctor.
After swallowing Call a doctor immediately.
Information for doctor
The following symptoms may occur: Breathing difficulty
Treatment In cases of irritation to the lungs, initial treatment with Daxametason metered aerosol.
5. Fire Fighting Measures
Suitable extinguishing measures CO2, extinguishing powder or water jet. Fight larger fire with alcohol-resistant foam.
Special hazards caused by the material, its products of combustion or flue gases:
Formation of toxic gases is possible during heating or in case of fire. Can be released in case of fire
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Protective equipment: Do not inhale explosion gases or combustion gases.
6. Accidental Release Measures
Person-related safety precautions: Ensure adequate ventilation
Measures for environmental protection: Prevent material from reaching sewage system, holes and cellars.
Measures for cleaning/collecting: Collect mechanically
Absorb with liquid-binding material (sand, diatomite, acid binders, universal binders, sawdust).
Additional information: No dangerous materials are released.
7. Handling and Storage
Information for safe handling: Ensure good ventilation/exhaustion at the workplace. No special measures required. Keep containers tightly sealed. Open and handle containers with care.
Information about protection against explosions and fires: Keep ignition sources away - Do not smoke.
Requirements to be met by storerooms and containers:Store only in the original container.
Information about storage in one common storage facility:Do not store together with alkalis (caustic solutions)
Further information about storage conditions:Store in cool, dry conditions in well sealed containers.
Storage class
Class according to regulation on inflammable liquids: VbF: A III
8. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
Additional information about design of technical systems: No further data; see item 7
Components with critical values that require monitoring at the workplace:
The product does not contain any relevant quantities of materials with critical values that have to be monitored at the workplace.
Additional information: Supply fresh air. When air is very dry humidity should be increased to 50-60% relative humidity of air.
Cyanoacrylates are considered to be possible sensitises by inhalation, new legislation in 1996mayconsider this as a formal risk, but as yet it is suggested as a safety phrase as additional information. see section 11.
Personal protective equipment
General protective and hygienic measuresThe usual precautionary measures should be adhered to in handling the chemicals.
Breathing equipment: Not required.
Protection of hands: Protective gloves and protective skin cream.
Eye protection: Tightly sealed safety glasses. TDS 45 MSDS 45
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
Form: Fluid
Colour: Colorless
Smell: Characteristic
Value/Range Unit Method
Change in condition
Melting point / Melting range: Not determined
Boiling point / Boiling range: > 200 °C
Flash point: 87 °C DIN 51758
Self -inflammability: Product is not selfigniting.
Danger of explosion: Product is not explosive.
Density at 20 °C 1,05 - 1,08 g/cm3
Solubility in / Miscibility with Not applicable
Water: Not miscible or difficult to mix
Viscosity dynamic: at 20 °C 50-100 mPas
10. Stability and Reactivity
Thermal decomposition / conditions to be avoided:No decomposition if used according to specifications.
Dangerous reactions Exothermic polymerisation, Violent reactions with strong alkalis and oxidising agents, Reacts with amines, Heating occurs when water is added, Reacts violently with water
Dangerous products of composition: No dangerous decomposition products known
11. Toxicological Information
Acute toxicity: not determined
Primary irritant effect:
On the skin: Irritant for skin and mucous membranes
On the eye: Irritant effect
Sensitisation: Sensitisation possible by inhalation
Additional toxicological information:
When used and handled according to specifications, the product does not have any harmful effects according to our experience and the information provided to us. The material is not subject to classification according to EC lists in the last version.
12. Ecological information
General notes:
Water hazard class O (Self-assessment) : generally not hazardous for water.
13. Disposal Considerations
Can be deposited with household garbage after consulting with the operator of the waste disposal facility and the pertinent authorities and under adherence to the necessary technical regulations.
Polymerise carefully with water or alkali.
Waste disposal key number 55905
Uncleaned packaging:
Recommendation: Polymerise carefully with water or alkali.
14. Transport Information
UN Number None
AIR (IATA) Not classified
SEA (IAO) Not classified
ROAD (ADR)/RAIL (RID) Not classified
15. Regulatory Information
Designation according to EC guidelines:Observe the normal safety regulations when handling chemicals.The product has not been classified and labelled in accordance with EC Directives / relevant national laws.
Special designation of certain preparations:Cyanoacrylate - Danger! Bonds skin and eyelids within seconds. Should be kept out of children's reach.
National regulations
Classification according to VbF: A III
Water hazard class:Water hazard class O (Self-assessment) : generally not hazardous for water.
R phrasesR38/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.
S phrasesS23 Do not breathe vapour.
S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
Voluntary Labelling:N/A IRRITANT
16. Other Information
These data are based on our present knowledge. However, they shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship.
Department issuing data specification sheet:
Contact: Mr John Quinn Technical Director.
Issue Date: 04/12/96
Revised Date 15/05/97 TDS 45 MSDS 45