| 乐清市雅格精密塑料有限公司是一家集生产、研发、销售为一体的 高新技术企业,位于改革开放的前沿城市,中国电器之都—温州柳市, 距104 国道、温州机场、火车站只有几十公里,交通十分便捷。 市场是企业生存的土壤。公司经过多年市场考验,生产的产品在满 足国内用户的同时,还远销世界三十多国家和地区,以先进的技术,完 善的功能,可靠的质量,优质的服务赢得了全世界的用户青睐。 为实现企业的持续发展,在风起云涌的市场竞争中,公司始终坚持 “品质为本,诚信经营”的宗旨,为用户提供更好的产品,更先进的技 术和更优良的服务用心灵和智慧为振兴民族工业谱写更加壮丽的篇章。
Yueqing Eagles Precision Plastic CO.,LTD is a high-tech entrprise specialized in production R&D and sales,it is located in the famous"captial of electric in china liushi near 104 national road Wenzhou Ariport and the railway station,having very convenient traffic. The market is the base for the eneriprise survival,After years of markets test the products not only satisfy the customers at home but also have been exported to bove 30 countries an areas.it has won the reptation all of hte world whith its advanced technology,perfect function.reliable quality and high quality service. In order to realize sustainable development of enterprise in the competitive market the company always intends to offer better products,more advanced technology and better service to the sustomer with the tenet of "Quality No.1,managing with credibility and create a more magnificent future with mind and wisdom.
公司は市場競争の中に、続く発展するために、“品質を本、誠実経営”を本旨にして、ユーザーに良い製品、更に先進的な技術と良いサービスを提供し、知恵で一生懸命に民族の工業を振興します。 | |